Chapter 41

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Of course. Out of all the people I knew, the one to betray me is the one I wanted to protect more than anyone else. I grew up in Paris, despite being Russian. I hated my father, so I joined the gang. I enjoyed my time with them, running away from life. I was made the warlord, I loved deciding what to fight with when it came time for the gangs to gather.

When I was caught planning a fight I was shipped to Japan. That's when I met her. Out if all the girls I've ever met she was the only one that pushed me away. It was so cute. She was considerate, always making sure her opponent was okay. She was always doing her best, never hesitating to win if given the chance. She loved to win, and I lived to watch her win.

So I treated her like she should be treated, like an equal. I guess she liked it, because before I knew it she wanted nothing else than to be by my side. And I was officially happy. Between training and languages I spent every free moment with her. We were always together. And I loved it.

We would wake up early just to watch the sun rise, her head resting on my shoulder. We would moon gaze, holding hands. And eat sitting right beside each other, sometimes sharing food. Blind Master turned a "blind eye" to it. Haha, nows not the time to be making jokes though.
I smothered my smile, not wanting the others to see. I let my hair fall onto my eyes, not bothering to push it away. I didn't straighten my shirt or fix my collar.

I thought back to that day. The day before I was sent on my mission. I had just been recruited to be a Joe, and Azure was so happy for me. She spent an entire five minutes hugging me, refusing to let me go. When she did, I saw her tears.

'Are you crying?' I had asked, burrowing my brows in concern.

Azure gave a shy smile and whipped away a tear, 'Yeah.'

I stroked her cheek with two of my knuckles, 'I'll be fine, don't worry.'

'Promise you'll come back?' Azure pleaded. My heart hurt so much. I wanted to admit my plan to her, but I didn't. I loved her, that's why. I didn't tell her because if I had she would have been in danger.

'I promise,' That was the one and only time I had lied to her. And I never stopped wishing I had kept my promise.

I had to go into hiding. I made it seem like I had died. I took on a new person, one different from before. I was no longer that boy who was sent to Japan, though some things were still the same.

I had a harsh father who raised me as a Joe. I went to Paris for a few years, and then came to America. I erased the years I had spent in Japan.

I almost had to have my face surgically altered. Thankfully, I hadn't finished growing yet. I had a growth spur after I faked my death. My eyes got thinner, my voice deeper, my cheek more hollow, and my hair more rich. I let my hair grow out, no longer short or completely gone.

I put contacts on to hide my real eye colors. After all this work it seems to have paid off. She didn't recognize me. I had succeeded. When u saw her again, I couldn't breath. She was even more breath taking than she used to be. The idiot I was I stared at her, I flirted with her. I was so obvious!

Her lips were fuller, her arms more muscular. Her shoulders broader, and her hair longer. She stopped keeping it short, letting it grow out. Her clothing were upgraded too. No more grey, now she was all about black. And the gold was amazing. She was perfect, more so than I remembered her, and my heart swelled at the realization that she moved on. That she didn't let a weak man like me hold her back.

I was tempted to tell her. I wanted to, so bad. But she didn't know it was me, and that was a relief. But also a nuisance. I had to pretend not to know her, and vice versa. At least I can pretend to fall in love with her again. But that's torture. Pretending not to know something I clearly already knew. Faking being shocked at her secrets. And then I might slip up and say something only "that boy" would know.

But I doesn't matter now. She's not going to date me again. She's probably never going to see me again. I never want to see her again. It will only make me furious, at her and at myself.
She betrayed us, no doubt about it. She didn't stop to think about us, she just did it. And I'm angry for it. 

I'm never going to get over it. But no one cares anyway. My hearts broken and shattered, but no one cares. I want to go back in time and tell her everything, try and find a different way, but no one cares. I want to hug her and find out why she did this, but no one cares. No one ever will care.

"Done yet?" Rip snapped me back to reality.

"You've been out for about an hour," LGK mumbled, he's changed. Ever since he and Rip got closer he's been bolder. Usually that's a good thing, but right now it's making me want t pulverize him.

I cast them both glares, "What difference does it make?"

"The difference," Rip made sure the door was locked, "Is knowing why this bothers you so much."

"We're a team," LGK said, "Teams need to be able to trust each other."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Rip sure knows that unspoken rule well."

I hit a good spot. As the leader I shouldn't be doing this. As the leader I shouldn't be calling out flaws like this. But as a person, as an individual, I can't hold these things back anymore.

"That's it," LGK sighed. He pulled out a packet from his pocket and laid it at his computer desk. Trio's eyes widened in horror. Now I was curious. I watched Wild Style's back as she shuffled some papers and finally turned around, holding a syringe with blue liquid.

"What's that?" Rip seemed like a terrified rabbit.

"Truth serum," LGK walked over to me, holding the needle, "Makes it so that you can't lie."
He took another step forward, I took one back. He took another step, and another.

"Keep that away from me!" I snapped. All I've worked for, all I've thrown my hopes and dreams away for, will be revealed. General Hawk told me to make sure no one ever knew, ever realized.

"No," LGK sounded angry, for the first time. In all the time I've known him I've never seen him so furious.

"What do you want?" I screamed.

"To tell us why you care so much," LGK hissed, "and apologise to Rip."

"I was that boy Azure fell in love with," I began, "and sorry Rip." that was true. Not the entire true, but true.

"Why didn't you tell us?" LGK was slowly putting away the needle.

This part wasn't true, "I was scared she didn't love me anymore after I left and hid it from you guys out of shame." They were buying it. Good, that means that pretty soon they won't be able to question my others moves. I hope they don't figure it out. Mom would be really mad if they did.

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