Chapter 47

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"You should take a break." General Hawk walked into the darkly lit room.

Will spin around on his chair and gave a sigh, "I just can't, there's so much information that I can look through. So many ways to help Fire."

"Look, after Fire gives her report you are leaving this room and relaxing a little. I get that you want to help her, but over working yourself will do more harm than good."

Will nodded, although he truly didn't want to listen. He turned back to all the screens, checking the time. It was almost time to video call you.

When the call began it was a normal conversation, like every other one. The same baseless information. Will wasn't mad, he knew you were doing your best. Will knew this was a difficult case, and that any lead was progress.

If you had to find the mole by canceling out everyone one by one, so be it. The talk continued, Will writing down all names that he would look into later. Then came the end.

"Alright, that's all I had to report." You said into the screen.

"I have one more question." Will said, which was new. He never asked a follow up question.

"What is it?"

"Are you ok?"

"Of course I am." The lie came out much more easily than you thought it would.

"No, are you ok? I'm not blind, I can see the life leaving your eyes."

You released a shaky breath, it was supposed to calm you down, but it didn't. Instead, it caused tears to form in your eyes. And when you tried to force them back in they rebelled, flowing down your cheeks.

"I knew it." Will sighed as he rubbed his sore eyes, "You're falling apart over there. I'll send someone else, maybe LG. He's good at this kind of stuff."

"No! This is my mission!" You exclaimed, your heart breaking a little. This had been assigned to you, the traits needed had been seen in you. You wanted to accomplish what had been assigned to you. Not pass it over to someone else.

"And it's starting to look like you're not right for it."

You cried harder, "I can do it! I know I can! I'm just tired! I'm just frustrated! I can do this I know I can!"

Will have a sorry look, "I don't think you can."

"Why? Because I'm not getting enough leads? Because it's taking longer than we thought?"

"No, that's not it." Will slouched in his chair.

"Then what is it? What makes you think I'm not cut out for this?"

"You're dying. Internally. You haven't gotten over Azure and you rely too much on Team Alpha. You can't cope! And it's starting to affect you negatively. I want you to come back here and actually get over all of this.

I need you to come back and rest. To be alone and think this through. To take a breath and clear your mind. You didn't have the time to do that before and now it's coming back to bite you!"

You inhaled a shaky breath, "Don't think I'm that weak. I can handle it. I can pull through. I just need more time."

"No, you need to be home and resting."

"I don't have a home!" You screamed, only to hear the unmistakable sound of someone crying.

"Please, stop forcing yourself to be okay. Stop pretending to be fine." Will covered his face with his hands.

"Are you okay?" You snapped, still having blurry vision from the tears that simply refused to stop falling.

"No! I'm not! She betrayed us! All of us! I finally see her again and..." Will didn't finish, a choked out sob escaped his lips.

You were both crying. At first it was silently. But soon you were both wailing. And it kept going, for a while.

The video call eventually ended. And although neither said it, you both felt a little better. Letting out those emotions had helped you.

You were still upset. You were still lonely and betrayed. Destro was still out there. But it wasn't as painful. It felt just a little bit less painful. If only it had lasted.

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