Chapter 60

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"Snake Eyes?" The Shinobi at the door asked me. I gave him a single curt nod.

It was strange being back here. Of course, I've been here several times. Each time stronger or wiser than the last. But this time was different. I was back as a future spouse. I was back as a man who was paired to a woman.

I belong to (Y/N) now. The joy I felt in my heart when she said yes is enough to make me cry. The emotions in my heart making it so that I couldn't breath: my brain so muddled I couldn't think. For once in my life I was a complete mess.

I still can't believe everything. I still can't believe that now I'm going to marry her. The excitement and fear bubbling up in my chest, tangling together like vines until I didn't know what I was feeling anymore.

The preparations taking so much of my time. Getting everything ready. I didn't realize how much there was to plan in a wedding. That's why I'm here after all. There's something I need to do before the wedding. So I was back here, at the Blind Master's temple. Not at our own temple, far from here.

"Do you wish to see The Blind Master?" His voice was shaking as he spoke. I again answered with a single nod. I remember this man, from so many years of training. Nameless but alive.

He was shaking physically now, "I'll speak to him right away." He bowed to me, it still feels strange being treated so highly. Not that long ago I was treating others this way. Wow, everything really is changing. And so much more was waiting for me.

He opened the door a sliver and slid inside. I waited as I went over what I would do and say I'm my head.

Yes, say. I'm going to speak. Not through my hands or body language; with my words. He has a right. And, I have already broken the vow of silence. (Y/N) doesn't say it, but she's happy that I broke the vow. And in all honesty, I am too.

The shinobi came back out and bowed at a 90 degree angel, "The Blind Master will see you now," he pushed the door so that it swung open all the the way.

I took a step forward, "Thank you," I whispered. I heard his gasp as I passed him and he hesitated to close the door. I almost smiled, it's a little funny when people finally hear me speak.

"Ah, Snake Eyes. It is a pleasure to see you, what brings you here?" The Blind Master asked me. He may be blind, but he somehow knows how to see. I held my breath, slightly scared of what I was about to do.

I stepped forward to the base of Blind Master's podium. I kneeled down and bowed my head by pressing it against the floor and holding myself up with hands on both side of my head.

"There is something you want to discuss with me." He stated, I gave a nod as my response. He continued, "What is on your mind Snake Eyes?" I sat up and gave a long exhale.

"You are nervous," Blind Master spoke again. I nodded again and lifted my hands to my face. I placed them on both sides of my helmet. Blind Master remained silent as he 'watched'.

I lifted up the helmet, as quickly as I could. But my body refused to move quickly, so it came of slowly. But when it did I gazed upon Blind Master with my own eyes for the first time in years. Somehow, everything was clearer.

"It is very serious, isn't it?" Blind Master was speaking in a less formal manner now. I bit my lower lip before answering.

"To me."

He remained silent for a moment, "You take off your helmet, then you break an oath. What is so grave!" His face moved into one of worry, one I never like to see him wear.

I couldn't feel myself breathing now. I felt my blood rise to my cheeks. My palms became sweaty as my breathing came out heavy. I banged my head on the floor and placed my heads beside me.

"Will you attend the wedding as my father?!" I said the words quickly. I was beginning to cry.

The man I had spent most of my life with. The one who had always been there for me. The man who made me stronger, independent, and had raised me. I have no real father, but if I did, I would run away from him just to be the child of this man. I am his son, and I want him to be there when his son gets married.

Then I heard The Blind Master sniff.

"Yes," his next words chocked me, "my son."

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