Chapter 7

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"You up yet?" Jinx's voice echoed from the hall. The knock on the door followed. You rushed to the door and slid it open.

Jinx gave a surprised look, "What?" you asked her in confusion. Was your hair a mess? You touched it instantly when that thought came up.

"Nothing, just," She fought for words, "most people can't wake up on their own. I thought I was going to have to wake you up personally."

"I'm used to it," you didn't bother to elaborate on what you had said. You always woke up early in the morning, before the sun rose, to be able to get started on the day.

"You can't train in that," Jinx walked over to the closet and pressed a button you didn't notice before. She really liked her clothes didn't she?

"Why not?" You followed her. These knee tall black boots, dark jeans, and white tank top had always been with you. Sure, the boots were mostly worn and the soles were falling, the jeans were ripped in the front and had gotten a little large on you, and the tank top was now more yellow than white, but they had been there when no one else was.

"You need something more flexible."

"You're wearing heeled boots with tight pants."

"After months of training," Jinx pulled out a ninja suit. It was black, but made of cloth instead of metal like Snake eyes. You stroked the material, "I take it you like it?"

"It's perfect," You sighed as you touched the ninja outfit. Then bit your lower lip, it was breath taking. Perfect for being in the dark. Even if it wasn't your normal and comfortable outfit it drew you in, it felt loving and welcoming at the same time.

"Hurry up and change, we got to start your training," Jinx closed the door of the room. You changed quickly and found pretty black flats beside the closet. You put them on and slid the door. On the opposite wall Jinx smiled.

"Cute," She stated and pushed off the wall. She led the way to the training grounds. It was a wide outdoor area; filled with other ninjas. All doing their own form of training, some alone and others in groups.

Snake Eyes stood with his arms crossed behind a wooden log. Jinx led you to the log and picked up a bamboo staff. She tossed it to Snake Eyes and turned back to you.

You looked at the sun, just about to poke through the trees off the edge of the mountain. You watched as it stretched its warm colored arms as it woke from the night. The sky turned into a rainbow as the sun came up.

"We'll start with the basics," Jinx pointed to the log, "you will stand on that log on one foot. Snake will try to hit you with the bamboo staff, jump over it. Ready?"

"Yea," you jumped on top of the log and lifted up your right foot. You bended it and held it still like a crane. Then you felt something hit your ankle.

"Ow, hey!" You snapped and looked over your shoulder at Snake. He showed no shame.

"Use your instincts to know when to jump," Jinx stood back a few steps.

"That's impossible!" You snapped, lowering your foot. Just before it touched the log Snake hit it with the staff. Your ankle burned and jolted upwards instantly.

"Ow, you did that on purpose!" You complained. Snake jerked his head up, as if to continue.

"If it were you would've died already," Jinx stated, "Try again."

You regained your balance. You had walked on top of fences so many times balance was as easy as walking. The issue was jumping, and getting hit on the leg, but mostly jumping. You tried to guess when he would strike again. Something in your heart jumped, so you jumped too. But landed too far to the edge of the log that you stumbled. You brought both feet down and landed on the ground safely.

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