Chapter 49

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"So," you attempted to start a conversation, "What's he like?"

"Like a hot man," she said dreamy eyed. Her hair was black today; reaching her mid-back. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black, today too.

"Hot man?" You thought those words over, didn't tell you anything useful about this Levi person besides the fact that he was visually attractive.

Teresa nodded, "He's the living definition of perfect!"

"Alright." You response wasn't that enthusiastic, a little disappointed that Levi seemed like another normal person. Teresa seemed satisfied with that response, clearly not caring at the moment. You were trying to make sure that your responses were appropriate to the situation. Dang it, socializing is so hard.

Teresa led you to his classroom. It was at the end of the hall. When you stepped in you examined the room. Obviously he taught french, as could be seen from the Eiffel Tower in the back of the room. He also had a pot of tea brewing on an electric stove, without a fire.

He had the simple wooden desks with cheap seats. And this teacher was a very young man with a stern face. He was writing something onto the chalk board, but as soon add he saw Teresa he put it down and began to wipe the chalk dust from his hands with a napkin he pulled out from his pocket. Although, Teresa's boyfriend didn't seem to be here yet, the class was empty.

"Good morning Levi!" Teresa cheered and ran over to the teacher, wrapping her arms around his neck. His facial expression didn't change, but he wrapped a single arm around her shoulders and closed his eyes.

"Get me some tea ready ," he said to Teresa once she pulled back.

"Ok!" She s skipped over to the tea and grabbed the mini towel beside the pot. She used that tool to lift the pot and put it into the near by tea cup.

You felt his burning eyes on you. Calculating eyes, not gentle in any way. You fought off the urge to squirm and instead acted interested in what Teresa was doing; and how she ended up dating a teacher.

"Here you go!" She didn't slip this time, holding the fragile looking tea cup on a matching plate with both hands. She kept her head up as she walked, making sure not to drop anything in the slightest..

He seemed satisfied with this, since right after he took the tea cup he rubbed Teresa's head, "Thank you," and he took a sip, eyeing you as he did.

"Levi, this is my new friend! Her name is Lyra," Teresa gestured towards you, leaning into Levi's shoulder. It took you a second to realize she meant you, still not entirely used to the name.

You gave a slight bow, "It's nice to meet you." You said while looking at the ground.

"Enchantée," Levi responded. Pulling his tea cup to his lips. Teresa seemed she would faint just my looking at his lips. Interesting weakness.

"She wanted to ask you something." Teresa seemed really in love with his shoulder right now.

He raised a single eyebrow, "Really?"

"Yup!" Teresa said worth energy, then calmed herself down, "Do you have time right now?" She looked him in the eyes with a pleading expression.

He gazed back at her, his face still emotionless. In fact, it seemed like he never showed emotion on his face. Teresa was so open with her feelings for him, where as he wasn't even nearly as open. How did this relationship begin? How was it still going?

He kept his tea cup and plate lifted, just below his nose. Levi's strong gaze was upon you again. And again; you pretended not to notice. He nodded and leaned down to Teresa's ear. He gave her a light kiss on her cheek and went back to sipping his tea.

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