Chapter 51

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"I never did like you," Professor stayed flatly, his eyes glowing with a flame of rage.

Mrs. Cawley flicked her white blond hair, "Never expected you to."

You stood by, helpless. Unable to do anything. Powerless without your weapons. Alone, without your weapons for the first time in years.

"How am I supposed to do this?" You growled at Snake.

He gently placed down his weapons on the wooden floor beside him.

'Its not as hard as you think," he signed with his now free hands.

"Oh really?" You placed your hands on your hips.

Snake responded with a nod. You rolled your eyes and faced him.

"Then how do I do it?" You could sense him give a breathtaking smile under his mask.
You got into a ready stance, makimg sure to sheild your head and stomach. 'First,' Snake was shaking so much from silent laughter it was hard for him to sign properly, 'Making sure to sheild yourself.'

"Obvious," You responded, "Then what?"
You narrowed your eyes as the words Snake had said echoed in your head. Steal one of their weapons. You examined Mrs. Cawley smug grin. "How?"

You launched at her, full speed.

"You little," she fired a bullet, "Wrench!" She hissed just before you dogded the bullet.
Professor took this time to yank Teresa to the side and shove her to the geound before pulling out his own gun. You admired that he protected her before himself.

'Do what ever you can to get it back,' You ran towards Mrs. Cawley again. She fired another shot, you jumped forward and rolled into the ground.

"So," you tested, "the only different is I don't fight with my weapons?" Mrs. Cawley continued to fire at your head over and over. You kicked out your leg and knocked out one of her legs. She did a pretty good job of holding hey ground; but lost it as soon as you spun and kicked her stomach with your other foot.

'You always were smart... You picked up the dropped gun and pointed it at Mrs. Cawley. You heard a gap from your friends, they had hidden behind the dumpster. You refused to look at them and focused on aiming your gun.

Mrs. Cawley glared ice daggers at you, "I always hated children," she hissed. Just before a bullet hit her. Not your bullet. Not even Professor's bullet. When you looked up you could see who it belonged to, your dad.

Professor Ackerman sheiled Teresa's eyes as the blood tricked down. Lucy watched on with an emotionless face, and Aaron looked like he was going to vomit.

"Looks like I missed all the fun," He stated as he gazed at Mrs. Cawley's lifeless body. You hated it when the body then twitched. You looked at the man that your father held onto by the hair. He seemed to have a face made of cuts and bruises.

"Barely even started," you mumbled.
He gazed at the body before him with uncaring eyes, when he looked up at you they were no different, "I already called the Joes, they are getting the remaining teachers."

"And that one?" You jutted your chin towards the man who looked like he was crying.

He lifted the man higher to examine his face, "Ah, yes, he ate the last donut in the teacher's lounge today."

"Sicko." you turned to look at a Lucy so pale she was Snow White. She glared at the man.

He gave a laugh, "Shouldn't you be telling that to someone else?" He turned to you again. You glared at him. That's when the pounding of boots was heard from just around the corner. And from the sound of it they were armed.
They stood in a ready stance, with one in front that you didn't recognize holding up his hands forthem to stop.

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