Chapter 40

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You leaned against the wall. You slid down slowly until you were sitting down completely. You lowered your head, brought your knees up, and cried. You cried and cried, you didn't stop crying, not until you felt a familiar tap on your shoulder.

You looked up and was engulfed in a black armored hug. You held into him tightly, wailing even more. Where was he when you needed him? Where was he to hold your hand and comfort you as you faced this betrayal. You felt guilty, guilty that you expected him to always be there. Guilty to expect him to always be able to help you when he had his own duties.

When you had finally cried yourself to sleep Snake picked you up and carried you to your bed. You still had some sort of conscious left, because you refused to let go of him after he laid you in the bed. So he crawled in with you, wrapping one arm around your waist and folding the other to act as a pillow for your head. He stayed silent as you slept, your poofy eyes twitching with nightmares. Every time you would get twitchy in your sleep he would rub your back soothingly until you calmed back down.

When you woke up you knew it was an odd hour. Team Beta was fast asleep above, beside, and in front of you. Not all the Joes were asleep, there are always a few awake at night. Snake lifted his head as you stirred. When you sat up so did he.

'Is something wrong?' He signed.

You shook your head.

'Then why did you get up?'

You lifted your hands into the air, 'I can't sleep,' you stated.

'You're lying.'

'What makes you say that?' You tilted your head to the side in the dim light.

'You always avoid my face when you lie.'

'When have I ever lied to you?' You asked, not able to peace an actual time when you lied.

'The time you took my boba and said you didn't.'

You thought for a moment, 'Oh yeah. I'm still not apologizing for that.'

Snake gently nudged your arm with the back of his knuckles, 'Since we're up, we might as well get something to eat.' He lifted you up with ease, and placed you to stand on the floor. He held your hand as you walked down the halls.

But he took a wrong turn. He walked down the halls to the jail. You were going to ask why, but realized it on your own. He wanted to go there with you, to show that he could protect you.
He placed his hand on the door knob. But he paused.

'What is it?' You asked.

Snake yanked you away from the door and shielded you with his body. The door shattered into tiny fragments, the bricks surrounding it crumpled, none reaching you.

When you peered out from under Snake's arm you saw Azure. She turned to look at you, just before she whipped her head away. She turned to the hole that was made by the explosion. She stretched out her hand, grasping Storm Shadow's. Again? Why were no precautions taken against this? How do you cause explosions underground? These questions had to wait.

They both turned to look at you. Snake got up and pulled out his gun. But Storm Shadow and Azure jumped out before the gun could even been fired. The explosion rang in your ears for several seconds. But the fact that she has escaped left you numb for several minutes. There was no doubting it now.

Azure was the traitor, this proved it. There was no doubting it now. You lowered your head, and crumpled to the ground. Snake walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. Without thinking you ripped your shoulder away from him.

You gave a sigh, "Sorry." you regretted how shard your voice sounded. You were pushing him out when all he wanted to do was comfort you. This is what you wanted, but not it seemed pointless. The idea of him betraying you crossed your mind, and it left you quiet.

"Team Alpha!" General Hawk hollered from the other end of the room. Snake hesitated, but rushed to join the rest of Team Alpha. You shakily lifted yourself from the destroyed floor. You turned to the hole in the cell, and jerked your head away.

"Traitor," Wild Style mumbled as she drew closer to you. LGK looked up, holding Rip, for once he didn't have his tablet. Will griped a section of the metal bars and yanked one out with a yell.

"Calm down hot head," Rip sighed. She actually sounded defeated.

"Shut up!" Will worked around and glared at Rip. This was what made everyone silent. Never had Will raised his voice before. In fact, he looked angry, he's never been angry. Frustrated, annoyed, motivated, he'd been all of those things. But never mad. But that wasn't it. There was another emotion, some other feeling that he was holding, you couldn't tell what it was.

"I'm just saying to calm down!" Rip snapped, not catching the hint that it wasn't a good idea to push him. People who get mad less often are more dangerous.

"What do you know?!" Will went right up to Rip's face, "You don't know anything!"

"Cool it!" LGK pulled Rip away from Will. Did he just talk back to the leader? Did he just willingly put himself into a dangerous situation? Inbetween two trained and serious Joes? What is going on with this team?

"You didn't even really know her!" Wild Style snapped, "Stop making a big deal about it!" Everyone was arguing now, everyone except you, who was too numb to truly process what was happening. The idea of all of them betraying you hurting even more.

"If anyone should be sad it should be Fire." LGK shouted. Shouted. The quiet nerd just rose his voice!

"I've known Azure longer than anyone here!" Will screamed. That hidden emotion that he wasn't showing, you suddenly realized what it was.

You hesitated, "What do you mean?"

Will glared at you, "I was in love with her!"

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