Chapter 17

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"I'm going to miss you," Jinx spoke up. You lifted your head from your paperwork to look at her. She was sitting at the back door, her back facing you she gazed out into the garden.

The snow had long ago melted. The clear water flowed into the ponds with koi fish and watered the plants. Now they were budding from the ground like magic. Later exploding into a rainbow against the lush grass. To this day, you haven't seen a rainbow.

"I will too," you sighed. Jinx shifted in her spot but remained in place. You gazed at her for a few seconds longer before returning to your paperwork. It was hard to believe. You had been here nine months already. Nine months of brutal training, learning, and passion. And tomorrow was your last day.

A tiny smile played on your lips as you thought of Snake Eyes. After that trip to the city he had been hugging you almost daily. And not the quick hugs that can easily be forgotten. The big, warm, kind, the ones that you still feel after the hug has finished. And you enjoyed each and every hug. Your relationship hasn't gone farther than hugs, he still pushed and demanded the best of you, but now you knew it wasn't without care or emotion.

You didn't really hug in public, but everyone knew about it. Azure teased you about it once. Jinx found out, apparently you and Snake hadn't been the discreet at the cafe, but she welcomed the relationship happily.

In training, Snake was no different. He made sure that you were safe, but never rescued you unless you needed it. He hadn't gone easy on you, he had gotten tougher. He now made you do twice as much as you used to do in the winter now that the snow has melted. But he made sure to check that you were ok after training.

You finished your paperwork with a few minutes left before bed, "Jinx, I finished."

Jinx finally stood up from her location. She walked over slowly, her head down. Her face a was drawn into a deep frown, hiding the beauty that she had. You picked up your paper and stood up to hand it to Jinx. She glanced at it, and ignored it. She pulled you into a tight hug.

This wasn't a hug of romance. This was a hug of longing. You could tell, just from the hug, that she was going to miss you. Her hug was solid and fierce. You lifted your arms and hugged her back, letting the paper float down, forgotten.

"Stay safe," she sighed at your ear. You leaned your head to her shoulder.

"I will," you reassured her. She finally pulled away and revealed her face. Small drops of rain were on her cheeks. You felt a stab in your chest at the thought of leaving Jinx, Azure, and Snake. Jinx bit the inside of her cheek and gave a weak smile.

"If they don't respect you let me know, I'll butcher them."

You gave a chuckle, "I will, don't worry."

"You better," Jinx joked as she rubbed the back of her hand against her face. She released a shaky breath, "Good night, Fire."

Fire, you had gotten used to that name. At night you would lay awake on your bed and, if Snake wasn't sleeping at the foot of the bed, say your real name out loud. You would whisper it softly, once, to remember your real name. Fire, according the everyone else that was your real name.

"(Y/N)," you stated slowly.

"What?" Jinx asked, looking up in shock.

"You can call me by my name," you hesitated, "when no one else is around."

"Are you sure?" Jinx asked slowly, she lifted her hand to wipe aware a stray tear.

"Yes, I am."

Jinx smiled, "Alright. Good night, (Y/N)." She cherishes this piece of yourself that you had given away to her. This but that you felt should be shared with your close friend.

"Good night, Jinx."

"Sleep well," Jinx said. She walked passed you to the door. You went to bed with a sad smile on your face. Your door slid open and there stood Snake.

"Hey," you sat up, "missed me?"

'Yup,' he signed and closed the door behind him. He walked over to you and sat beside you on the bed, careful not to let his shoes touch the blankets.

"I missed you too," you sighed and leaned against his broad shoulders. He shifted so that his torso faced you and pulled you into his chest. He held you there for a moment, you nearly fell asleep against his muscular chest. You could feel warmth passing through the metal armor. When he finally pulled back he began to sign.

'I remember when you used to sleep outside, looks like you've finally gotten used to a bed.'

"I remember," you turned towards the back door. Then a sly idea came to your head, "But I'm not completely uses to a bed. After all, there are a bunch of things I haven't done in it yet."

'What do you mean?' Snake signed. But my the way his hands shook slightly and how his chest stopped moving rhythmically he understood.

"You know what I mean," You responded. His entire body froze, nothing moved. You broke into laughter and placed your hand over your mouth to smother the noise. The breath was knocked out of you when Snake shoved you onto your back.

In an instant he had placed his hands on either side of your head. He no longer cared about not getting the blankets dirty, as his knees were placed on both sides of your thighs. You smiled up at his and wrapped your arms around his neck. You were going to pull him into a kiss, but remembered that he had his mask on. So you just held him there.

Snake lowered down. He laid his head at the crook of your neck, if he didn't have a mask on his nose would have been touching your neck. He interlocked his gloved right fingers with yours. His other hand was placed at your hip, not moving.

"What are you doing?" You asked Snake. He didn't respond, not with words anyway.

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