Chapter 15

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"Snake, where are we going?" You moaned as you trudged behind Snake. It was time for extensive training, and he was leading you to a new room.

Since the leave of Lady Jaye you had continued your training. Now Snake was taking you to an unknown destination that you've never been to in the building.

Jinx was teaching you language, culture, body language, and Joe codes. She was getting worn out from all her teaching. But it helped you watch Snake more carefully, and realize the way he acted around you. It seemed more sincere than what you had first thought.

Stop it, don't get your hopes up.

He stopped at a door decorated to look different than all the other doors. He slid it open and stepped to the side. You took a hesitant step inside. It looked like the dojo Azure had showed you. But this room was much smaller and every inch of the walls was covered with weapons. Except for two locations. The right corner beside the door where a futon was pressed and a door that must be a closet to the right corner across from the bed.

"Is this your room?" You asked Snake Eyes. He gave a simple nod and pointed to the center of the room. He tossed you a gun and pointed to the blank wall you had missed. It was the wall that connected to the head of the bed. It had a sliding door to the left and a single window to the right. You stood facing the wall, and Snake stood in from of you, away by several feet. He unseated his sword and held it out. He signaled for you to shoot.

"Are you crazy?" You gasped. He shrugged and signalled for you to shoot, getting into a ready stance. You shrugged back and shot, far from him. He looked at the small hole you had made above his bed. He shook his head and pointed to himself.

"You want me to shoot you?" He nodded, "Indoors. Without armor?"

He pounded his chest. You rolled your eyes and fired. He swooped his sword down and cut the bullet in half. You continued to fire, each bullet being cut. After every shot he would show you to correct stance to fire. There was much repitition.

Azure found you as soon as you walked out, "Come with me!" she grabbed your arm and ran off.

"But I'll be late for my practice with Jinx!" You gasped, begging Snake with your eyes to step in and free you. You were pulled out of the room too quickly, and he didn't come running after you.

"Who cares?" Azure ran on. You caught your footing and ran behind her. Once outside she ran into the snow. You struggled to keep up with her, running in snow is pretty difficult. She dragged you behind her into the snow covered training grounds. There was no one there but you two. She threw you into the snow with enough force to bring you down but not harm you.

You didn't have enough time to react so you braced for impact. You heard something that sounded similar to rubber and felt cold soft snow around you. You turned your head to see Azure laying on her back beside you. She faced you and smiled.

"I love lying in the snow, its so comfortable," she wiggled so that she sank deeper into the snow. You lifted your head a little and gazed around. You had been too busy to realize it, but the snow was beautiful.

You gave a chuckle, "Jinx is gonna kill me."


"Becaus im not learning cultures, or languages or whatever junk she decides to throw at me."

"That's all?"

You turned to Azure, "That's all? Its so much information that my brain can hardly take it."

"I'll help then," Azure faced towards the sky and closed her eyes, "Que color es el nieve?" She asked in perfect Spanish. You let the words comprehend before responding.

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