Chapter 30

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You sat at the foot of a tree. You had spent roughly twenty minutes simply climbing up the face of the mountain. At the very top was a tree, a sakura tree to be exact. Beside it is a peach tree, already ripening with fruit. You had picked one and begun to eat it.

It's juicy content had flowed into your mouth. Your mouth watered with the bite. The soft fuzzy skin was cooling to the touch, it's warm colors basking in the sun. You took another bite and lowered your hand to look over the edge. All you could see were clouds, not the foot of the cliff, the path you had taken to rise up hidden by the edge.

Jasmine was with some of the mother monks. They were only taking care of a few babies, about four, counting Jasmine. And there were five of them, so it made it easier to be watched.

Even still, you had stayed with them and watched as they cared for Jasmine for maybe an hour. Finding that they were correct in all their actions you decided to be on your own. Though, not after laying several ground rules to the women, making sure they understood that any wrong action taken towards Jasmine meant death.

Snake didn't ask you where you were going. You had been so distant that he simply nodded at you and let you go. Snake seemed to understand that you were going through a troubling time, and you both had stayed apart the past few days.

After meeting your father Jinx had stopped you to show you your room, then let you go on your way. Azure waved at you from afar, but only gave a tiny smile. Team Beta had retired to training or lounging around. Team Alpha had decided to make plans on how to catch Storm Shadow.

You heard the sound of something rustling. You didn't move, but lifted your peach to your mouth and held it there. You heard it again, behind you. It was followed by consecutive sounds of shoes hitting the rocks. As silently as you could you jumped up into the air and grabbed the lowest branch. You pulled yourself up and laid flat on your stomach at the center of the tree branch.

You kept your head low as you peered out. To make your face harder to see you lifted up your face mask from your neck and placed it over your nose. You had to thank Jinx some time for such an efficient ninja suit. The figure stopped just before you could see him. From where you were all you could see was a single white shoe.

You heard the wind pick up and the tree's branches began to move and rustle. You used this chance to move to a better view point, making sure not to be seen in the newly created gaps. You climbed up slightly higher and more to the right. Now you could see his back, covered in white cloth.

You bit your lower lip to stop yourself from gasping. It was Storm Shadow, it had to be. What other man would walk around Japan in all white?

"I guessing you learned that from Snake Eyes," His deep voice hummed. You lowered yourself to be flat against the branch. Storm shadow continued speaking, "I'm guessing it wasn't that long? You're good, but inexperienced." You held your breath.

Storm Shadow gave a 'hum' and unsheathed one of his kitanas, "Shame," He mumbled, "You have great potential. But you're in my way, so," He jumped up. In a heartbeat he was right above you, the point of the kitana right at your back, "I'm going to have to kill you," He finished.

In the quick silence that followed, before you could react, a wail was heard. Storm Shadow didn't move his blade, but tilted his head up to face the wail. You tried to move but he stuck the point in harder. You slammed your lips together to stop yourself from grunting.

The wailing continued, getting louder each second. It came to a point where it was louder than the wind, and that's when you heard the footsteps going wit it. You laid down your head and twisted your neck to see through the petals.

You saw the body of Flint, but not his head. And from this close you could tell who the wailing belonged to, it was Jasmine. You could make out his arms, holding a blanket that no doubt contained a small Jasmine, who was begging for attention.

"Fire? You out here?" He hollered. Storm Shadow glanced at you, but returned his gaze to Flint. Flint continued, after trying to shush Jasmine, "Fire?! Jasmine has been crying for you for about, I dunno, an hour?" You felt yourself grow tense, "Please come out! You out there?"

You heard the fast footsteps of another person. You saw them stop behind Flint. You knew from the color of the clothing that it was Snake. He lifted one hand and you guessed that he placed it on Flint's shoulder, which was out of your field of vision from the tree. Jasmine continued wailing while Flint and Snake stayed still and quiet.

Storm Shadow cast you a glare at the sound of a sword being sheathed. You silently willed Flint, Jasmine, and Snake to stay quiet, hoping that the blade pressed against your back wouldn't hurt you. Jasmine calmed down gradually. All the while no one moved. That's what you thought anyway.

You knew Snake was right there when you heard the sword being swung. You twisted your neck to look up. Snake stood on his two legs, one hand resting against a tree branch, and the other holding the sword at Storm's neck.

"Is that a way to greet your brother?" Storm Shadow stated, no real emotion in his voice, or his face. Though it seemed almost like he was containing a smile, containing some sinister emotion within him. In response Snake jerked his chin out at Storm Shadow.

He smirked, "I don't need to tell you what I'm doing."

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