Chapter 3

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"How is it that you have no birth records?" Roadblock spoke up in the car. You were seated with Snake Eyes to the right and Jinx to the left.

You kept your mouth shut, thankful that Jinx didn't take up nearly as much room as Snake Eyes did. His armor was digging into your shoulder, making you want to rip it off. But doing that would be too much effort.

You played with the fake ID card they gave you. It had you, but with different hair and clothes. Like she was important. You hated it. You hated the ID itself. Hated how it seemed like your most useful tool was now gone. But most of all, you hated that picture that wasn't you.

"Governments can tend to be sloppy," You replied bluntly. You put down the ID so that it would bother you less. But you thought of other things that were beginning to annoy you. Such as how that ANNOYING ARMOR WAS DIGGING INTO YOUR FLESH! Or how small the car was, making it hard to punch, kick, or put up any sort of fight. Or how uncomfortable you felt inside the car. As if you were going to throw up. Was this what they called car sickness? You wish you knew, but since this was your first time in a car it was hard to tell.

"Government keep track of everyone, but you're nowhere, almost like-"

"I don't exist?" You lifted your head to look at Roadblock's face through the reviewer mirror. His bald head caught the light and it danced into your eyes. You closed a single eye, but didn't look away.

"Exactly." He smiled, seeming amused by your temporary blindness. You gave a low, quick, growl in your throat. Snake Eyes heard you.

"So?" Jinx raised an eyebrow. You thought of how well she would fit on the streets. Even with her accent. It may throw some people off, but the kids would really like it if you had an accent like that. You made a mental note to learn that accent for when you saw the kids again.

You rolled your eyes at Jinx's request, "My father wasn't that faithful. He found my mom, was with her for a total of about ten hours, then left. My mother had me on the streets, around a corner, not in a hospital. She died by pneumonia when I was four. Since they didn't know I existed they did nothing to help." You didn't bother to share more. You made sure not to use details, that was too personal. You made the story bland, quick, and sound as if it were a history book quote instead of real life.

"How do you know your name?" Roadblock again, with his big and bald head. Was that his choice? Or was that just genetic? It was hard to tell.

"You learn your name pretty easily." You responded simply.

"What about fighting?" Jinx tilted her head towards you. She sat in a very stiff way. No slouching, no leaning, not holding her head up with her arm, just straight up on the seat.

"The streets." You realized that they just wanted to seed information out of you. And you refused to give more than you needed. If you could, you would have given them less or none at all. But it seemed that right had been whisked away as well.

"Have you ever been to Japan?"

"You kidding?" You crossed your legs and arms, "We went there last year on our visit to the prime minister." Roadblock smiled at your response. You enjoyed that brief moment of humanity seen in him.

"Since you asked me questions, now it's my turn." Car rides are boring. Pulling information out of people, on the other hand, is fun. You were planning on asking Jinx, but Roadblock seemed like a better way to kill time. If only he could be the thing being killed.

"Shoot," Roadblock looked back at the road. You wished you could, but sadly, that wasn't a possibility.

"Who are you guys?" You began with the obvious question. You could move on to the other things later.

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