Chapter 14

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You heard a knock at your door. You sniffed and walked to open it. Once slid open you were greeted by a shocked Snake Eyes. You chuckled and whipped at a tear.

'Are you,' he hesitated, 'Ok?' You guessed it was a question from the tilt of his head. If only he showed his face, that would make things much simpler.

You gave a nod, "I'm just so happy."

'Wierd way to put it,' Snake stepped inside and closed the door. He went to the back door and slid it open. You were startled by the sight of white things floating down. You rushed to where Snake was and watched the white specks float down slowly.

"What is that?" You rubbed your arms that were covered in black cloth. You shivered at the cold slightly, and subconsciously drew closer to Snake Eyes. You were so captivated by the white specks Snake had to tap your shoulder to get you to see his response.


"Snow?" you turned back to the white specks, "That's impossible. You're joking, it's not snow."

Again Snake had to tap your shoulder, 'Yes, it is.'

"But Snow is black! Everyone in New York knows that! It falls just like this, except black, and it's not so gently. Its poisonous, the children aren't let outside whenever there is snow around. What?" Snake had turned to you and stared. He wasn't tense, or too loose. His body language said he was surprised.


"What's smog?" The word sounded strange on your tongue.

Snake turned back to the snow but kept his hands facing you as he responded, ''It is snow mixed with fog. Its poisonous because of the factories in New York City. This is what clean snow looks like.'

You hesitated to respond, "It's pretty," you glanced at Snake out of the corner of your eye. He nodded his head once.

You sat down on the wood and hugged your knees close. You watched as the snow floated down from the grey sky. The bare trees shook gently at the sight of their temparay companions. You heard Snake's boots touch the ground and guessed he was leaving. But then seconds later you felt your blanket being placed on your shoulders. You craned your neck up to face Snake.

You gave a smile, "Thanks Snake," you sang. Snake gave a nod and stood next to you. You both stood there until Snake tapped your shoulder... again. He gave the sign for hungry. You picked up the blanket and carried it to your bed. You plopped it down and followed Snake to dinner.

You were seated to the left of the Blind Master. You felt proud of the seat you were given and the promotion. Snake to his right. Beside him was his cousin Jinx. Beside you was Lady Jaye. She was given a spoon and fork with her meal. You silently wished you had too.

"Have you received any news about Storm Shadow?" The Blind Masted spoke up. The table grew silent. You leaned backwards yo look past Lady Jaye at Azure, who was seated beside her. She gave you a monotonous look and flashed a small smile of reassurance. You waited to hear what Lady Jaye said. She swallowed before continuing.

"We found his capsules broken. From the look of it someone broke it from the outside. The security cameras were killed so we have no visual of what actually happened. We didn't find anything that could have been scanned for finger prints. And since no one is around that General area we have no witnesses either."

"In short, you think Storm Shadow broke Destro out of his capsule," Azure spoke up. Her face showed no rage, but her voice spat it.

"Yes," Lady Jaye responded, turning her head to face Azure. They simply gazed at eachother, not really thinking anything. Lady Jaye turned back to her food and continued eating after Azure dropped her gaze. You looked across to Snake, he turned back to you and stared at you. You didn't shiver, in fact, you enjoyed the attention. Even if it was just temporary.

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