Chapter 44

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Five days. It had been five days since RIP had been killed. General Hawk left with two other men, one being LGK, and went to tell the only people left for Rip the news. Apparently, there weren't many people in her life.

For the four and a half days that they were gone you were truly alone. With Snake Eyes back in Japan with Jinx, amd Will still trying to cope mentally, you were left alone.

You spent that time reliving that horrible moment. You wished you could have done more. You wished you had figured it out earlier. Then maybe Rip would have been saved. Them maybe LGK wouldn't have shaved off all his hair while mourning. But it was pointless. And every day, for four days, you came to that same conclusion. Everyday you would curse, get up from your meditating position, and walk to the training area.

Even if you never liked her, she was your team mate and needed you. She needed you to be there and you weren't. Even if you didn't have to put up with her anymore, you never wished this upon her.

It was now the fifth day, and everyone was returning. That's why this was the only day that you didn't meditate.  Snake surprised you in the morning by being the one to wake you up.

As soon as you saw him you pulled him into a hug and began to cry. The room was mostly empty, but there were still some Joes. That's why Snake lifted you up and carried you off.
He went to the dojo, locked the door, double checked to make sure it was locked, then placed you in the center of the dojo.

'I heard about what happened,' be began, you looked away. He tilted your chin towards him, 'I'm here if you need anything.'

You crawled towards him and sat on his lap. You snuggled into his chest and held one of his gloved hands in yours.

Snake took this time to use his other hand and lift his mask over his head. He placed the useless mask to the side and gazed at you with glowing orbs. You lifted your arm and placed your hand on his neck. You then gently pulled him down towards you and pressed your lips against his in a much needed kiss.

Snake took control as you enjoyed his sweet lips. In the silent dojo the only sounds were your heavy breaths after you pulled apart.

'You can always talk to me,' Snake signed, 'I will always listen.'

You felt a tear fall down your cheek, "I want to go home!" You confessed as you wailed. Even though you were in pain your heart swelled with joy. Joy that you had Snake, and Joy that you had a home. A place where you felt safe.

Snake pulled you into a hug so tight it was like He was afraid to let you be an inch away from him. You cried on his shoulder as he pulled you in closer. He kissed you again, but it was cut short by the banging on the door.

"Fire? Are you in there? You have another mission!" A male Joe hollered on the other side of the door.

You sighed, pecked Snake's lips, and stood up. Snake grabbed his mask and stood up with you. He kissed your cheek gently and gave a simple sign.

'I wish we could go back to the time when we first fell in love.'

"I do too," you whispered. Outside the dojo you passed by General Hawk with a lowered head and blinked rapidly to clear your puffy and red eyes.

Snake made a step to follow you but General Hawk stopped him with a broad arm, "Team Beta handels its own matters."

Snake glanced at you, and you felt pleading eyes on you. You gazed back at him, but had no will to fight.

"I'll see you when the mission's over," you cast him fake smile.

You went to a new room for meeting, the helicopter room. Will was there, with bloodshot eyes and hair that had been pulled and yanked. LGK was beside him, back to tapping away on his tablet. He lifted a hand tip brush hair out of his face, but only touched his now bald head.

"What's the mission?" You stood at attention, you had blinked your eyes madly to clear then and not have the fact that you had been crying get out. But looking at Will and LGK, there was no point to hide it. They were the only ones left.

"We have word that one of the teachers in a certain college are working for Destro. We need you to go undercover as an assistant teacher, find that teacher, get solid evidence and bring it back here."

"Great," you mumbled in annoyance, "now I have to do a solo mission."

"Just get on the helicopter and stop complaining," Will snapped.

The helicopter that was behind you suddenly turned on. You mumbled a 'fine', even if no one heard it. You grabbed with one hand onto a metal handel and lifted up one foot.

"One more thing," Will hollered over the noise.


"You can't bring your weapons."

"No!" You screamed, "Going to college is bad enough, but without my weapons!? Not happening!"

"Look!" Will grabbed your arm and pulled you closer. He lowered his voice to a sneer, "I've had enough of your attitude. You're doing it weather you like it or not. I do care if you hate us but your reckless behavior will not be our downfall. I am not about to lose another member of this team. Do I make myself clear?"

You yanked your arm away from Will. You weren't mad, kind of proud more like. He had a right to be mad. Out of his team of five three were left. And the love of his life was missing with a known criminal. And he wasn't about to let another one get out of line, no wonder he was the leader.

"Crystal," you responded, and pulled yourself fully into the helicopter.

"SNHU, here we come!" The driver hollered. You slumped into a seat and closed the door behind you to block or the sound of working propellers.

You gazed out the window at your first helicopter ride. It made your stomach like jelly, like whenever Snake kissed you.

You released a long breath and reached for your your daggers, only to realize that they weren't there.

For the first time in your life you felt as if you were a ready target.

I literally picked the first college that came to mind and since I got a free t-shirt from them they got the cake. Hahaha the first draft for these college chapters were SO BAD. I'm glad I went through and changed everything.

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