Chapter 23

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You were relieved when the plane finally landed. It was already dark and quiet. You felt at ease in the dark, and wanted nothing more than to stay out in it, but you were ushered inside by Will. The desire to breath and feel true air was stiffled.

Will went straight to report to General Hawk. He simply said, 'I'll be back later' and headed in the direction of his office. LGK and Rip took the red ninja to a room for interrogation. They didn't say where it was, just excused themselves and left.

Wild Style was given the job of showing you your new room. She made it very clear that it wasn't in her best interest. Your lack of response showing that you felt the same, hopefully.

While walking in the halls you felt yourself being closed inside. Even in NYC you never once felt this trapped. In Japan everything was out and open, here it was all underground and contained.

A shiver traveled down your spine. Never once had you felt so limited, so tied down. You wished for Snake, again, to be there to comfort and protect you. Even if, when he was around, he didn't do it often, but him being there reminded you that everything would be okay.

Wild Style pushed the door open. She took a step inside and stretched out her right arm to flick on a light. The eight bunk beds became visible, four on each side.

"Welcome to your new room," she stated simply. She pushed some rebellious hair out of her eyes. She shifted her weight to one leg and watched you.

You stared at the room. It wasn't your own, that was clear. And you felt yourself missing the only bedroom you had ever known. Where it was your own, no one came in or out without your permission. Well, everyone except Snake. However, he stopped coming in whenever he wanted pretty quickly.

"Which one's mine?" You asked, shoving the memory down and away.

Wild Style walked up to the second bed to the left and tapped the bottom mattress ,"This one."

You walked over and touched the wood. Sturdy, and would be able to hold so much weight, maybe mahogany? It was also surrounded with several metal beams to deflect bullets.

"Will the others share this room as well?" You questioned.

"Yeah," Wild Style tapped the bed above your head, "Rip sleeps here. Will and LGK are on the other side," she turned and pointed to the bunk opposite from your bed, "I sleep over there," she pointed to the bed that was two bunks down and beside the window.

"You don't need that much stuff but if you have anything put your stuff in one of two places. Either under your bed," she kicked the bottom of the bed,"Or beside your bed," she tilted her head towards the empty spot on the wall beside the head of the bed.

"When do we train?" You asked her.

"Whenever you want," Wild Style flicked her hair out of her face yet again.

"There's no specific time to train?" You wondered. How were they expected to stay in their top shape if they didn't constantly challenge themselves?

"You must train daily, but you decide how long and when. Except for high noon. Everyone trains for an hour at that time."

"At least you have some rules," you mumbled under your breath and again thought about Japan.

"Not my fault if you don't like it," Wild Style shrugged, "see ya!" She turned, gave a tiny flick of her hand as a wave, and left. Once the door clicked behind her you pulled out your guns. You sat down and placed them beside you. You pulled out all your other weapons and gazed at them sadly.

Four guns. Only two had been used so far. Two long strips of bullets, that you hid on your belt. Two daggers, that were polished and shined much more often than needed, decorated with blue grip tape thanks to Jinx. Then there were several small needles that could hit a fatal pressure point. Dozens of ninja stars, all from Snake.

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