Chapter 54

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You pushed the hair out of your face. You continued to scrub your scalp until it was sore. You then rinsed out all the suds and wrung your hair out. You lifted the towel off the rack and dried off your body.

"How long does it take to shower!?" Flint hollered on the other side of the door.

"Roughly fourty five minutes once a month!" You hollered back. But in reality, you hadn't showered since you left Japan.

You just never could get used to cold water. Or even the bath tub, nothing like the bath houses in Japan. You didn't smell or anything, you would rinse of some parts of your body, just never fully submerged in water.

You changed in the bathroom quickly and made sure to dry your hair well.

"Any day now!" Flint hollered.

"Stop whinning you baby!" You hollered back, reaching for the scissors.

The last time Jinx had dyed your hair was over five months ago. Your hair had grown double in length, and was beginning to cause headaches. You tied your hair into a low pony tail and placed the scissors behind your neck.

The soothing sensation of releif swept through you as the hair was cut. It took you three cut to loose all the hair completely. You tossed the left over hair in the trash can and closed the lid. You then attempted to trim the best you could, but settled with not making any more cuts at all.

You brished your now chin length hair and placed a small ring on your finger. Snake and Jinx told you that its good to fight wearing a ring. That, and Snake wanted an excuse to give you some sort of pretty gift.

"Are you do-"

"Yes," you interrupted Flint as you slid the door open.

"Finally!" He exclaimed. You stepped out and let him rush inside and slide the door shut. You waited for the click sound of the lock before leaving.

You walked down the halls, glad to be back in your ninja suit. It had been far too long without it. Jinx had cleaning and straightened it before seeing you, making it more comfortable. You stroked the arm peice, happy to have it back.
You glanced at your wrist watch to see the time. You wanted to go visit Jasmine before joining in on training, but it was almost time for your pills.

You turned a left down the hall and made your way to the kitchen. A large kitchen, one that had to store enough food for everyone. It wasn't an everyday house kitchen, more of a storage comparment with a microwave, sink, and fridge.

There was a door to it, two in fact. Both had to be unlocked with a passcode. One with letters, numbers, accents, hashtags, and even other languages. You typed in the code and happily waltzed inside.

You made your way to the cabinets, careful not to bump into the other Joe currently eating mac and cheese in the center of the room.
You popped over the cabinet and pulled out a white bottle. You glanced at your wrist watch again and it was happily noon.

You turned open the cap and poured a few pills into your left palm. You shoveled some back into the bottle until only two were left in your hand. You covered the bottle and put it back in its place, pulling out a plastic cup right next to it.

You flicked up the sink focet and let the water turn from brown back to clear. Once done you placed the cup under the facet and filled it up half way. You tossed the pills into your mouth and chugged the water.

"(Y/N)!" Jasmine squealed as she crawled over to you. The woman who had been taking care of her released a sigh.

"Jasmine!" You cheered as you let her make her way to you. You picked her up in your arms and hugged her to yourself tightly. You were happy that she had said your name with a slur. You still weren't that comfortable with sharing it.

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