Chapter 18

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He laid his head against your shoulder and sighed silently. You placed your hand on his back, rubbing it softly. He lifted his hand to your hair and stroked it silently.

"I'll miss you too."

'Wanna look at the pond one last time?' He pointed to the garden. You blushed as you realized the door was still open and anyone could've seen you two.

You jumped up into a sitting position and nodded victoriously. Snake's shoulders shook with laughter and he turned to lead the way. He held your hand as he walked to the door and lead you like a child to the bridge. You tried to pull away, for fear of being seen, but his hold was too firm.

Up on the bridge both of you gazed down into the pond. You were hypnotized by the Koi as they swam in the water that sparkled by the friendly moon. You smiled at the sight.

"I'm going to miss this." You sighed as you rested your head on Snake's shoulder. His hold on your hand tightened and he slammed his other fist on the bridge railing rather forcefully. You jumped, just like the Koi in the pond, then quickly looked around to see if anyone had heard.

"What's wrong?" You released his hand to allow him to sign.

'You have no idea how badly I️ want to kiss you.' That's what you thought he had said, sign language is a little confusing at times.

'At times like these I️ hate myself.'

"There's nothing you need to hate yourself for! I like you the way you are now, I don't mind the mask." You spoke from your heart. It's true, there was a part of you that longed to touch his skin, to see his face.

There was a part of you that wanted to be close to him physically. For your bodies to embrace each other without metal in between. To kiss his cheek without a mask in the way. However, you also knew that he was the way he was for a reason, and you accepted him.

'I hate that I️ can offer so little to you! That's not ok!'

You bite your lower lip carefully, "What you can offer me I️ enjoy. Even without the rest." You assumed that he meant in terms of being physical, in an innocent way of course.

'Seriously?' This sign was hesitant, and his body showed all kinds of whacked up feelings.


All night you didn't sleep. Out on the streets no sleep was not a problem, you could go three days with no sleep before your body crashed. But here, where you did sleep, this ability has slowly diminished. Now one night without sleep was a slight hassle.

Snake didn't show up to the sparing you would have with Azure. Jinx did however. And the Blind Master even commented on your improvement. This filled you with pride and joy. The nod of approval from Jinx fueled it. Azure was so for you ecstatic today.

After sparing the Blind Master released you two. You and Azure both went to the bench from the first day you had sparred. The lush grass was climbing up the legs of the wood. It was basking in the sun, no longer the dark color it was when the snow was melting.

"I'll be so lonely without you. Who am I going to spar with now?" Azure complained as she dropped all over you sadly. At times like these you began to wonder what influence you had on Azure. Japanese people tend to be quite reserved with physical contact.

"Why not the hundred other ninjas?" You offered, "They're much better than me."

"Yea," Azure sounded annoyed now, "but they're not as creative as you. You always find a new way to beat me, no matter what form that's in. The other ninjas are so predictable and boring."

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