Chapter 5

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You must have dozed off, because soon you were shoved awake by Jinx, "We're here," She stated simply. You slowly lifted yourself and rubbed your shoulder; it was sore from leaning on it for the entire nap. You stretched out your arms over your head and arched your back.

'Morning sleeping beauty,' Snake eyes signed to you, standing a little ways off.

'Out of those three words one is correct,' You signed back. You couldn't tell if he was smiling or scowling, because he did no signs back. He just stared, but it didn't burn your skin. It wasn't admiration either, or skeptical. Not even calculating, what was he thinking? You shook off the question, it didn't matter.

"Move it, I don't have time to wait for your lazy bums to catch up," Roadblock hollered from the door. It was then that you realized just how playful Roadblock was. Saying rude things in a friendly manner. Jinx stood behind you as you followed Roadblock out. Snake eyes closed the door behind all of you. As you walked down the stairs you took in the sights.

Waiting below were several people. They weren't dressed like the poor, or like the New Yorkers. But, with strange clothes that were mixes of dresses and coats. Among them, given prime attention, was a sort of old looking man. But, his back was so straight and his skin was so bright he didn't look a day over thirty. His beard was still black, with only tiny strands of white. A scar passed from his forehead, between his eyes over his nose, and down to just next to his eye. And there was something going on with his eyes.

Jinx and Snake Eyes passed Roadblock and bowed before him, "Blind Master," Jinx whispered. Now it made sense, he was blind. That's why his eyes looked so strange. He nodded his head, not looking directly at them, and they both rose. Roadblock had been standing far from them, his arms crossed.

"Let's get straight to work," Roadblock dropped his arms and walked over to the Blind Master.

"You do not wish to lose any time," He turned his head so that it was facing in the direction of Roadblock. Good sense of hearing, are all blind people like that?

"Time is precious, and I need her ready in exactly a year."

"Such a short span of time for several years of training," The blind master kept one arm behind his back. The other clutched his green yellow bamboo staff. You had seen a bamboo staff once, in china town.

"Time isn't so freely given, can you do it or not?" Roadblock asked him. You noticed how Jinx and Snake Eyes made no move, and said nothing. Almost as if they were scared to move or breath. You pondered on the possibility of it being you; but you couldn't see it.

The blind master thought for a moment, "It is possible. But it will require much dedication and will."

"I don't care what it takes," You speak up instantly. All eyes turned to you, and you felt subconscious of yourself. The Blind Master turned his head to your general direction, but it still felt like he could see you with ease. You hid your fear from your voice, "Whatever I have to do, whatever you want from me, I will do it and give it. Just tell me what to do, and I will." Maybe, just maybe, the harder I work the better they'll take care of the kids.

"Strong willed, what is it that makes you want to do this?"

You relaxed your shoulders, "My friends."

"I'm guessing it's not them?" The Blind Master gestured towards the others surrounding you.

"No," You didn't elaborate, and he didn't ask you to. You would never risk your life for people you didn't know. Only those close to you mattered.

"It shall be done," He slammed his staff, "In twelve months she will be ready to fight alongside you. Jinx!"

"Yes master," Jinx ran before the blind master and bowed. Such high regards.

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