Chapter 13

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You looked around the vast, concrete landing area. Jinx stood to your right, the Blind Master to your left. Snake was to his right, not moving a centimeter. The other two ninjas stood behind you. The two other masters stood off to the left of Snake.

"When will they get here?" You whispered to Jinx, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. You had been standing there for ten minutes, and it was still winter. You were regretting not dressing more warmly, the breeze was threatening. It never rested for more than a few seconds before flying back at you with a few white voyagers. The sky had remained grey the entire wait, not showing any colors as it once had.

"Any minute now," Jinx responded, not turning her head to look at you. You mimicked the way her arms were behind her back and lifted your chin higher. You couldn't help but glance at Snake. He was as stiff as ever, and still wasn't moving. You stared at him for several seconds out of the corner of your eye, but stopped when you were beginning to feel that the Blind Master was watching you. Finally, you saw the jet in the distance.

You stiffened instantly, realizing this could affect the children. What if this "check up" determined wether they still wanted you or not? You didn't let your back relax an inch as the jet landed. No one spoke and you struggled to keep your breath quiet and under control. The door opened and stairs were placed before the door.

A woman with curly red black hair stepped down. Even from this far you could estimate her strength. She wore all black, four guns strapped onto her belt, and several pockets all over her person. She came prepared for a fight. Is that why she had really come?

"Lady Jaye," The Blind Master bowed. You were unsure to know what to do yourself, and looked at Jinx out of the corner if your eye. She didn't bow, so you didn't either.

"Blind master, it's been a while. Where is the new recruit?" You stopped yourself from lashing out at the lack of respect for the Blind Master. This woman showed no reverence! But he seemed like it didn't matter to him.

Wow, I really am different.

"Fire," he gestured to you. Jinx gently elbowed your arm, that's when you realized she had asked for you. You stepped forward and narrowed your eyes at her. She looked at you up and down, making your skin crawl in an insecure way.

"Pretty built," she walked to move around you. You fought the urge to turn to her and fight. How highly does she consider herself? She examined you from all angles, "I see the potential. How far has she advanced in the ten years worth of training?"


"Two? In three months, impressive. But, how is she doing learning codes and directions as a Joe?" She talks as if she's the boss.

"We haven't gotten to that yet," Jinx responded to this question with a sliver of regret. She could even get Jinx to question herself? What kind of person is she?

"Regretful, I could be bring you back today. Snake."

Snake lifted his head up instantly.

"How has it been, being back home?" Snake responded to her question with a simple shrug. Yet, he seemed relaxed. He's never like that around me, at least not the way he is with her.

"Let's get going, we have a lot to do in little time," Jinx spoke up, sounding suddenly eager to get moving.

"That reminds me," Lady Jaye reached into her breast pocket. Pretty safe place to put it. She pulled out a folded piece of paper. You were surprised when she handed it to you.

"What is this?" You inspected the paper.

"Your lover sent it?" Lady Jaye responded casually, quirking up an eyebrow.

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