Chapter 50

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"I have a lead." Professor said to you over the phone. You had been in the middle of a conversation with Teresa when Professor suddenly came on. You assumed that she had left the room before he spoke.

"For the mission?"

"No, for the dog. Of course the mission!" He snapped. It was a little upsetting that such a beautiful accent had such a harsh man using it.

"What's the lead?" You ignored his rude behavior, deciding that it wasn't worth it to ponder on. There were more important things to do, like finish this mission and finally get back to Home Base. Yes, you missed home base. The students were fine, but there was a gap between you that couldn't be mended.

There was so much different between you and them that you felt like a ghost of a friend. Searching up their pop culture references and looking at nerdish content to understand them. It tired you, and hurt you. Knowing that they grew up in a warm comfortable life while you had grown in a harsh cold one.

"There are some teachers that plan to meet up at the school later tonight. We should do a stake out on them and see what's going on."

"Levi!" Teresa's voice came on in the background of the phone call.


The sound of Teresa clapping her hands could be heard on the other end, "I just had a great idea!"

"What idea is that?"

"We should all go out to the mall together! Imagine it! All of us spending time and hanging out, getting to know each other better, it'll be so much fun!"

"That sounds lovely," Levi said, you wondering if you would even be able to go depending on how this stake out went, "When shall we go?"

"Today! Right now!"

"Now? But it's almost six, we'll be there for probably two or three hours, or even closing time."

"Yeah. So?" Teresa stopped clapping, her snappy tone coming out.

"So, maybe another day?"

"No, today."

You remained on the line, silently listening to them argue back and forth. It went on for some time before Professor finally gave in. Everyone was notified and forced to go along. Professor told you that he would make an excuse later that allowed them to drop by the school and take a quick peek. At worse, they would be caught and run away.

You turned on the radio to listen in as you changed to go out. While in the bathroom brushing your hair you heard painful and heart wrenching news. A Joe had been found dead, in the area Team Alpha had been deployed. The tears came on their own, nothing could stop them.

"Have you ever been to a mall before?" Lucy asked you, noticing how you seemed to wander around with awe struck eyes.

"Of course I have!" You blurted out, wanting to look normal, "Just never this one."

"Let's go to that store!" Teresa grabbed Aaron's arm, dragging him to a store filled with costumes and wigs. It was the perfect store for Teresa.

As the rest of you followed Lucy gave you a hesitant look, "Are you sure? You've been gawking since we got here."

You nodded and forced a smile, which was getting easier, "The malls I've gone to are nothing like this. I'm just admiring everything." It wasn't a total lie. You had never been inside a mall, but you were indeed admiring everything. It was so clean, and big.

You watched as they all talked and explored. You felt cut off, which was not their doing. You felt so different and new to this world of theirs that you couldn't truly enjoy it. You watched them smile and laugh, spouting non sense that you would never understand. Then you began to wonder, what it would have been like if you did understand.

If you were normal.

You had gone to the school gates, Professor claiming to have forgotten his grading book at his desk. The others bought the excuse and came along, since they had all traveled in the same car. While walking up the steps a loud crash was heard.

"What was that?" Teresa asked, looking up at Professor for an answer.

"Let's go see... quietly." He answered, beginning to lead the way.

You all rounded the corner, looking to examine what that sound had been. So soon as you rounded you were met with the sight of a female teacher. She spun around to face you, having been hunched over a pile of boxes. You looked closer at the boxes, seeing long names of chemicals on the sides.

"Why is she packing up poison?" Aaron whispered lowly, so low one had to strain to hear what he had said. Professor hushed him, and Lucy moved closer to Aaron, grabbing his arm to steady her slightly shaky legs.

"Well... well... well... well..." The teacher tossed the gun, catching it in her hand each time she spoke a syllable. Her eyes looking towards you and your group.

"I knew there was someone looking for me here," Her eyes scanned over all of you and paused at the Professor, "Just didn't expect it to be you."

"You monster." He snarled lowly. He didn't want to question her, not now and not here. He couldn't let the students here any of this information, or else they would unwillingly be dragged along too. The teacher sneered, instantly pointing her gun at Teresa.

Teresa gave a scream before Professor clapped his hand over her mouth, making a loud noise in a time like this could mean death. You looked at Lucy and Aaron, who seemed to be the type to get silent when scared. 

You motioned for Professor to move them away from the danger, as best as he could without drawing too much attention. You held your ground and glared at the woman before you. Her wicked and crazy eyes reflecting the light of the moon.

The moon was the one thing that eased you in such a situation. It's light reminding you of peaceful and hidden nights oh so long ago. Calming you in such a situation. One that could result in death.

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