Chapter 55

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You gazed at Azure, her eyes unreadable. She opened her mouth but had the butt end of gun was shoved into her stomach. You watched, empty of emotion, as she crumpled to the floor.

"Well done DB," one of the near by Joes stated.
DB chuckled, "It's my job." He then lifted his gaze to look at you. He gave a playful smirk. You turned and ran after Will.

DB elbowed Rufus, "Is that her?" He jutted his chin to where you were leaving.

"Yea, why?"

"Cuter than I thought," DB rubbed his chin thoughfully.

"Are you backing out?"

DB laughed, "I never said that." He brushed him off and walked to the General.

"You better not change your mind!"

"Whatever!" DB said to him with a wave of his hand and continued walking. She really is hot. DB brushed his hair at the thought of you, he wished he could get closer to you. But that's impossible.

Your guess had been right. As soon as he had rounded the corner he had broken into a sprint. You tried to keep up the best you could, but holding a baby really limited you. When you finally caught him he was well beyond half a mile away from Azure.

"Why don't you just tell her the truth?" You asked him.

"What would that do? She's still a traitor and the enemy, and probably going to die soon."

"It would make it easier for you."

Then tears began to flow down his cheeks, "All I ever ewanted was to make her mine."

You bit your lip and allowed him to cry. You waited for a few moments, but after that it was clear he wasn't going to talk again.

You left him on his own and made your way over to the bunkers. Since this place stored several people, and was smaller than the real base, the bunkers had to be placed on a seperate floor. Half way down the first floor you were stopped by DB and General Hawk.

"Fire! Just the person I wanted to see!" General Hawk exclaimed.

You gave a quick salute, "What can I do for you General?"

General flicked his wrist, "I just wanted to introduce you to someone," General Hawk pointed to DB. "Meet DB, the top assassin in G. I. Joe."

"Better than Snake?"

"Snake doesn't kill." He responded coolly.

DB gave a sly smirk, "Nice to meet you, I've heard plenty about you. People like you are usually a challange to find and kill, with no birth records and all."

"Excuse me," you said to the General, "I have to go." You still didn't like it when people brought up the no birth records thing.

You made your way to the stairs, since there were no elevators. LGK stopped you right before you reached the second flight of stairs. You were slightly annoyed, but at this point it was probably important.

"What is it?"

"You've been asked to interogate Azure."

"You don't get it!" Azure snapped at you, lashing out in the rope.

You calmly sat in the chair across from her, "Then please, explain it to me."

Azure kept her serious face on, "Storm Shadow explained it to me back in Japan, before you guys showed up."

"So," You clicked your tongue, "You were a traitor before you even became a Joe."

"I'm not a traitor!"

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