Chapter 53

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You shiffled closer to the crying man before you. In silence you reached out and stroked the scar on his face. It went right across his entire face, diagnol. It was faded, hardly noticable.
You ran your single index finger down that scar. You did it slowly, to have an excuse to touch his face. He stared into your eyes as you did this.

You followed the scar down to his top lip. You ran your thumb over his lips gently. Once, twice, three times. By then he couldn't contain himself.

So you let him go free. You leaned towards him and placed your lips afainst his. That was it, just a gentle brush. Nothing else. You pulled back, only to be grabbed by your neck and shoved back to him.

You kissed, real kisses. Several of them. Some sloppy others not. You ended up pushing him off the bed, landing on the floor with a thud.
Snake hissed in with pain.

You jumped away, "Ohmygod, are you ok?"

He gave a chuckle and yanked you towards him again, "It takes more then a broken arm to make it ok for you to stop kissing me."

You laid against each other for several minutes. You kept your arms wrapped around the man before you, your head resting on his chest. Snake hugged you back, his arms felt like a giant wall that would protect you from harm. His chest was sturdy and powerful, and you listened to his heart as you laid there. You had never felt so safe in your life.

"I'm glad your ok now," Jinx hugged you. You hugged her back.

"The pills helped me out," you responded.
Jinx placed her head on your shoulder, "I know most soilders suffer from depression, but I didn't think you would be one of them."

You patted her back, "It's ok, I have medication to calm me down now."

"Are you talking about the pills," Jinx pulled away from you and gave a sly smile, "Or him?" She pointed to Snake who was behind you.

You gave a chuckle. Snake pressed where his forehead was on your cheek. You leaned into it and let his fingers slide into yours. You smiled at the contact, even if it was separated by leather.

"A little bit of both," You answered.
Rip Cord stepped out a metal door, "Fire!" He ran and hugged you. Snake tensed and gently pushed him back.

Rip Cord narrowed his eyes at him, "Jelous?"
Snake responded with one nod, he moved to cross his arms but with one being limp it was hard. He left them at his side.

"They've been wanting to talk to you for a while ya'know," Rip Cord made a serious face.

You released a long breath, "I thought as much."

"You ready?" Lady Jaye stepped out of the door.

You gave a nod, rubbing your hands against your pants.

Lady Jaye stepped out of the way and held the door open for you. You took a deep breath and stepped inside. Snake stepped to follow you but Lady Jaye stopped him. You nodding to him, letting him know you would be okay, and he stepped back, allowing Lady Jaye to shut the door.

You kept facing the door, waiting to get yourself together. Then you spun on your heel and clicked your hoots together to face them. Three of them, professor Rivaille gone.

They weren't tied up this time, or seated. In fact, the room was empty save for one flickering light hanging on the ceiling.
Lucy was leaning against the wall, talking quietly to Aaron. Teresa was sitting on the floor, her eyes closed and her head rested on her knees. You knew she wasn't sleeping, she never sleeps. She was dreaming, escaping reality.

But they all looked at you once you faced them.
You fought for the right words to say before settling on, "I'm not going back to school."

Teresa jumped to her feet and ran after you, "I'm so glad you're ok!" She practically screamed. She flung herself at you and crushed you in a hug.

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