Chapter 32

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For some odd reason, they had a jail cell underground. It was the size of the entire village, meaning it could fit that many people and more underground. You didn't care to watch Storm Shadow be chained, so you brought Jasmine to the monks. They worried over her health instantly.

"She hasn't eaten in hours!" One cried as she lightly squeezed Jasmine's stomach.

"She hasn't slept for more than five hours!" Screamed another, placing her hand on Jasmine's head, "And she's been outside too long! She needs cream!"

They all scampered to take care of Jasmine. You watched silently until one ushered you out. At that you went to what you would call your room for a while.

Jinx stopped you on your way there, "I know its hard to stay on the sideline," you already knew where this conversation was going, "But if a baby sees violence it will make them violent too. Do you want Jasmine growing up thinking it's ok to kill people?"

This caught you off guard, that what not where you expected this conversation to go. You thought for a moment. This thought haden't come to your mind either. You thought of Jasmine, the one person who knew, even if only a little, what you went through as a child. You wanted her to have a better life than you. You wanted her to be free of fear and danger. You didn't want her to fight all her life.

"No, I don't," You whispered.

"I understand that you wanted to help," Jinx made you look her in the eye, "But when you have a child with you that child becomes priority."

"Fire!" Will rushed up to you, "Sorry Jinx, can I speak to Fire for a moment?"

"Go ahead," Jinx stepped back and turned to walk to her temporary room.

"What?" You asked him. You really wanted to be alone now.

"I need you to check on Rip."


"Her leg isn't any better."

"Oh, right," you thought back to how she had slipped when climbing up the second time Storm Shadow had escaped. Her leg and twisted in a way it never should, and LGK had taken her back.

"Why can't you do it?" You asked.

"I have something else to take care of," he responded. You lifted an eyebrow. He chuckled, "If I wanted you to know I would have said it by now."

He left before you could speak again, but you didn't feel like talking anyway. So you did what you were told. Rip had been talking to LGK, but stopped at the sight of you.

You sat at a seat by a window. You crossed your legs, rested your head on, one fist, and left the other on your lap, twirling a dagger. You didn't speak, simply gazed out the window. Night was falling quickly, then the rain followed. You just sat there, guarding her.

You didn't realize that the gentle patter of the rain would put you to sleep. It's done it before, no doubt about it. But never when other people were around. So much for guarding.

You dreamed about that night. You dreamed about your first real bedroom, the one on the neighboring mountain. You were sitting out on the wooden ledge, listening to the rain. It fell down slowly and rhythmically.

That's when all the shouting began. That's when everyone started screaming at each other. Babies woke up crying, the sleeping woke up moaning, and those who were awake began to shout. You jumped out of your chair right away.

The voices outside were mumbled, but one screamed louder than the others, "He's escaped!" You didn't have to wait to figure out who it was.

Rip tried to sit up but LGK wouldn't let her, "No, get back down!"

"Leave me alone," She grumbled.

"No!" You were surprised at how he raised his voice, "I like people when they're alive!"

You didn't stand around and wait. At the sound of Jasmine's scream you ran out of the clinic. You turned to your left, and there was Jasmine. In the arms of a red ninja. One of the woman in charge of her was on her knees, crying at the ninja's feet. He kicked her in the face.

He didn't have time to do anything else. Because right after that he was found with four needles all down his arm. It fell limp to his side. Another woman close by grabbed Jasmine before she fell. You ran up and kicked the ninja. He blocked with his good arm, shuffling back a little. His ninja friend ran up to you.

You grabbed his wrist and yanked him back. You elbowed his back and kneed his stomach. He collapsed in pain. You looked to the other ninja, who ran like a coward.

You turned back to the five woman. The one who had been kicked lifted her face, her nose was bleeding, and in the rain it was slowly flowing down her face. You grabbed her arm and helped her up. In all the chaos you looked out. Everyone was running, there was red, yellow, and orange everywhere. In the chaos you could see the black of the Joe's as they either helped people, protected them, or fought off the other ninjas.

"Into the clinic!" You screamed at them. Four of the women grabbed a child in their arms, the bleeding one clutched her nose. You nearly stumbled on the wet ground, as did the others. But no one fell completly, thankfully.
You led them to the clinic, and closed the door behind you. The two nurses, both males, looked up from Rip, who was trying to get out of bed.

"What is going on out there?" Rip asked, before her eyes landed on the bleeding woman. The blood was already dripping off her chin.

Enjoying it? I wrote this so long ago, where did I get these ideas? I don't remember. Keep reading! There's so much that happens after this!

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