Chapter 25

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She contemplated for a moment, "He has lots of connections. And most are money driven, that's all they care about."

"What do you think he plans to do?" Rip spoke up, not in her usual rude tone. This one sounded more stoic and professional, as if she was lacking anything but a job. As if she were there for one thing, and that thing wasn't something she truly had a passion for.

The Baroness waited a few seconds, "I know he won't stop until he succeeds, whatever he's doing. But he's always learned from his mistakes, he's not going to do the same thing as last time."

"Last time," You began, "I believe he had the president replaced and wanted to control the world by force," You knew from her nod that you were correct, "If this is true, and he never does the same thing twice, then he won't try and force people to obey him."

"That would mean he'd have to convince them," Rip made a very well educated assumption that sounded right to you as well. It made much more sense.

"How would he convince the entire world to obey him?" LGK asked from the computer, his fingers moving quickly. You thought back to the orphanage. You already had guessed what he would do if he came back. And, based on this new information, your guess was probably right.

"He'll make it so that they need him," You answered, and looked up to see wide eyes staring at you.

"How?" Will pressed. Wether or not he agreed was beside the point. If this theory was correct, even if the chance of it being right was there, the results would be devastating.

You gave an unnoticeable gulp, "What does everyone on Earth need?"

"Food, water, a leader," Wild Style finally spoke. She seemed frazzled, and worried. Maybe she was worrying about what could happen.

"Exactly," You responded and walked closer to the Baroness, just a smidgen, "To get them to willingly bow to him he'd need people to rely him to live. This would mean having control over the water supply, or ability to control food production, or simply killing off leaders. However, that last one is too similar to his last plan and doesn't sound likely."

"Or all three," The Baroness sighed, "Sounds just like him."

"Baroness," Will keeled down before her, "Do you have any idea where he is?" He gave pleading eyes at her. Either he was a good actor or he truly was desperate.

She shook her head, "Even under mind control he didn't trust me with telling me where he had his back up base. If there's anyone that would know it would be Storm Shadow," You tensed at the name. You knew all too well how dangerous he was.

You remembered back when Snake finally talked about him. How talked, or signed rather, about how he could barely beat him last time they fought. How Azure hated him with a burning passion enough to devote her entire life to learning to kill him. And how both were somewhat relieved that he was no longer the enemy and something along the lines of an ally.

"Do you know where he is?" Will leaned closer, his voice laced with hope and concern.

The Baroness broke eye contact for a brief moment, "If I were to guess anywhere I would say Japan."

"Thank you," Will stood up and nodded to LGK, who had turned around once he finished typing. He turned to everyone, "Let's go, we have to find that ninja. The sooner the better."

You turned to leave but stopped short, "Are you ok?" Wild Style asked as you stopped at the door.

"I'm fine," You turned back to the Baroness, "I'll be a minute."

"Suit yourself," She walked past you, exiting the room. But you knew from how the steps sounded that she hadn't left entirely. She was hiding behind the brick wall. You shrugged it off, you had nothing to hide.

"Why were you so willing to help?" You asked her, lifting an eyebrow. Memories of your past training in Japan with Jinx resurfaced. Learning about how desperate some hostages can be and how difficult they could be. This was strange.

She lowered her head slightly and gave a faint smile, "To help him."


She lifted her head again, "Duke." Her face was different. Sadness, deep and raw sadness, was clawed within her.

"Duke?" You fought to remember that name, but nothing came to mind. You shook your head, "Sorry, I don't think I know him."

She gave a tiny nod, "It's ok," She turned her head and the faint trace of tears were on the corner of her eyes. She released a shaky breath.

"Would it be wrong," You fought to not sound too caring, but you wanted to know. You thought about how rude you had been to everyone except the friends from the streets and the four friends in Japan. You didn't want to but you faced the fact that she was going to be one of those rare people as well, "If I asked who he was?"

She smiled sadly again, "He was once a solider. A brave one, one that I loved. And he loved me too. After my brother was victim to an explosion he faked his own death, and Duke blamed himself for it. Duke left, because he was so scared to face me. I'm still upset that he did that, but he made up for it in the end.

My brother attacked me in my sleep and injected a mind controlling formula. I was married off to a Baron, given the title of Baroness, and began to love Destro, before he got his mask. I felt so lonely without Duke, that I didn't mind the mind controlling formula, it made me feel free of pain. And I fell in love constantly, wanting that special attention. Duke was the one that saved me.

He brought me here, and promised to be back soon," She gave a single cry. You waited for her to calm down and continue, "He died at a shooting ordered by the fake president."

You fought for the correct words to say, "When I was nine," You wanted to stop, but the words were already out. It was time to tell the whole story, "I had a great friend, her name was Delilah. One day, we went out to try and find something to eat. We came by a bar, and there were some left overs on the table. We both tried to grab them and run off, but Delilah didn't make it. A drunk man caught her, and dragged her off.

I tried to save her, but he was a strong man. He dragged her to him house, where he stripped her of her clothes. When he was done he slit her throat and tossed her out on the street. I tried to get my other friends to help me rescue her, but the doors and windows were sealed so tight we couldn't get in. We gave Delilah the best funeral we could, and made it a rule to never to go that bar again."

"I'm so sorry," She whispered.

"Don't be," You released a breath at how calm you sounded, "You weren't there. Besides, that was several years ago. I've had time to relax to pass the pain. I can tell you still have a lot of pain, but it will leave soon."

"What happened to that man?"

You thought for a moment, "I believe he bled to death after cutting himself while drunk." You spoke it casually, almost as if you expected it.

"Thank you."

You hesitated, "For what?"

She gave a small and quick smile, "For talking with me simply because you wanted to."

You returned her smile, "I tend to babble," You mumbled , chuckling at little at yourself.

"I think you should go now," The Baroness pointed her chin to the door, "Your team must be waiting for you," You thought of what to say as a good bye, but nothing seemed to work. You don't tell a woman in jail, 'Enjoy the rest of your day'. So you simply nodded and turned to leave.

You walked down the hall without looking back. You heard the clang of the door as the guard shut it tight. You turned the corner, not far off, and was greeted b y the entire team. Will smiled, Rip avoided your gaze, Wild Style stared at the floor, and LGK gazed at his tablet.

"Didn't know you were a big talker," Will joked.

You didn't show any emotion on your face, "I would like to eat for the first time in three days," You said, walking past him.

"G. I. Joe base, here we come," Rip said in a monotonous voice.

On the way back you couldn't help but miss Baroness. You hoped that she could feel better, that she could be free and happy once again.

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