Chapter 27

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You sat next to Snake in the training room. You had spent all night sparing with him. Even now, you were still wide awake. Will stopped by and informed you that you were going to Japan to look for Storm Shadow. General hawk was standing beside him.

You thought back to when they had arrived. It was almost as if the world had slowed down when the jet landed and Snake walked off. In the rush of the moment you ran to him and broke your ice cold demeanor. For some reason, as you felt his body heat pressed against your's, that didn't bother you as much as you thought it would.

"Team Alpha will be joining you as well," General Hawk stated, giving a sly smile to Snake. You felt him tense beside you.

"Get ready, heading out in thirty minutes," General Hawk turned and left. Will waited a few seconds. He was about to turn and leave when Snake threw a dagger to land on the door frame right in front of his nose.

"Will," You said, remembering your promise to Snake.

"Yea?" He turned back, mostly unfazed. But the excitement in his eyes sparkled.

"Some words from Snake," You pointed your thumb at Snake, "He says that if you flirt with me again, that dagger will be in between your legs."

"Good warning," He didn't seem fazed. He left and that was that. You and Snake went to the giant room that housed all the jets. Snake steered you to another group of Joes. You recognized Roadblock right away.

"Hey kid," He slapped his huge hand on your shoulder, "You've grown a little bit. And your cheeks aren't so hollow anymore, you've gained a few pounds on you. You two trained her well," He looked up and smiled at Jinx and Snake. He looked back at you, "It's good to see that you're doing better."

"You seem more mature too," You turned to look at Lady Jaye. Her long hair flowed as a slight breeze passed through. You felt yourself warm up at the words that had been spoken to you, and seeing people that you were more familiar with.

You were taken by surprise at the sudden praise, "Thank you!" You said with joy.

"Not bad looking either," Another man you've never met before commented, leaning over Lady Jay's shoulder. You noticed how she didn't shuffle all the way away from him.

"Instead of hitting on a younger girl," Jinx sighed, "Maybe you should introduce yourself."

"First off," He said, standing up straight and lifting up a finger, "Snake is at least twenty eight years old, if not then thirty. And also," He turned to you and cracked another charming smile, "My name is Flint."

Snake was 28 years old? You were only 21. You had never realized that there was a seven year age gap, you had never stopped to consider your ages. Perhaps it was because mentally you had grown up?

"Come on," Rip walked up to you, interrupting your thoughts. The rest of Team Beta was standing a little way's off, "Let's get going already," Her eyes were blue today.

On the jet you sat in between Snake and Jinx. You talked mostly to Jinx, but held Snake's hand as you did. Roadblock was seated beside Snake, dwarfing him in height. Lady Jaye was next to Jinx, and Flint next to her. The seat was rounded into a semicircle, so you could see everyone's face. Team Beta sat on the seat opposite of Team Alpha, also rounded into a semi circle.

All seemed annoyed that you were sitting with Team Alpha instead of them. You ignored them and enjoyed your time with Jinx for the whole ride. Of course, Flint cracked some wise jokes often. When you landed in Japan the Blind Master wasn't there to greet you. Or anyone for that matter. This made you long for their presence, but forced it down. You were here on a mission. Then you noticed Azure.

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