Chapter 37

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"Zach?" You gasped, several thoughts running through your head at once. Wondering how and why he was here, who's idea it was. How long, so many thoughts were jumping around your head and, for a couple of seconds, you were frozen still.

He gave a bitter smile, "Nice to see you again." He seemed to be thinking about several things too. He looked hesitant, wondering how you would react.

"What are you doing here?" You lowered your gun, your heart swelling with both joy and worry. Joy that you could see him again, and worry that he had been forced to work the way you had been.

Zach looked towards the now unconscious man and said, "Visiting my old man." 

"He's your father?" You tiled your head to the side, you thought that this whole time Zach had never known his father. That, like most kids on the street, he was simply alone.

"By blood," Zach stepped over the man and stared at the key pad. You noted his dismissive tone, remembering that this shouldn't be brought back up again. Despite your curiosity, which you still hadn't learned to keep in check most of the time, you concluded that it was really nothing you should try to learn more about.

You walked over to Zach slowly, "But how did you get here?" You didn't put your gun away, but you did put the safety back on.

Zach didn't turn to look at you, "I told a Joe that I know about the gangs in Paris. They set me up for simple training, just the basics, and shipped me here. They said if I fail I'm not going back to America." Your heart plumeted, it was the same thing they had done to you. You cursed them at first, then remembered that General Hawk wasn't really to blame for this. You wondered if he even had a say in it.

That's when Snake came bounding towards you. He took one look at Zach and pulled out a gun. You stopped him from getting closer by placing your arm in front of him.

"Calm down Snake, he's my friend." You remembered the day you left, so many months ago. You didn't blame Snake for not recognizing him, even you were shocked. His cheeks and waist were fuller, his arms thicker, his hair livelier. It warmed your heart to see that he was doing better, while it also cracked knowing that he was in a dangerous situation.

Snake stared at Zach for a long moment. Zach stared back, looking bored. Eventually Snake put away his guns and stepped closer to Zach. You thanked Snake, in sign language, for believing you, even if he did remember Zach on his own.

"My old man never told me what the code for this was. Then again, he only ever told me that I was a waste of space." Zach complained. You remained silent, not wanting to make Zach remember anything negative at this time. You were all still on a mission, and being emotionally stable was part of it.

Snake walked over and ushered Zach to move aside. He looked at the key pad thoughtfully. He reached for his dagger and shoved it into the keypad.

"Access granted," a female computer voice said. Snake pulled out his dagger and put it back on his belt.

"That's one way to do it." Zach rolled his eyes, but he also cracked a smile. He's only known Snake for a few seconds, and has already gained some favorable opinions on him. Good, we'll be able to function as a team poperly.

Inside the room was a single computer. You all stepped in, except Zach. Snake pulled out a flash drive and plugged it into the computer. He typed a quick command and waited for it to load all the data onto the flash drive.

"(Y/N-)" Zach was cut short. You spun to see his body slumped on the floor. And there stood a gang member.

"You always were pitiful," he spat on Zach. Anger boils subside you as you gazed at the man who was, an hour ago, eating lunch with you. You hid your worry for Zach's state, focusing now on protecting Snake as he did the mission.

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