Chapter 39

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"What is it General Hawk?" Will asked in place of the team.

You stood quietly beside Wild Style and LGK. It had been three weeks since Azure became a Joe. Since that time you hadn't gone on any missions, and spent your time training. Training can get boring when that's all you do, but there's not much else you can do. Snake was there for the first two weeks, and you happily stayed with him. But he left last week to go on a mission and hasn't finished it yet. But you knew not to worry.

You waited as General Hawk gave a single nod. He rose from his chair and turned to face the wall behind him, his back to you.

"Do you remember the red ninja from Japan?"

"Yes." Will responded, already trying to figure out what was so important about that ninja and what he could do about it.

"And the one from Iceland?" General Hawk added.

"Yes." Will cast you a glance. Everyone knew you had captured both of them. It seemed possible that you were linked to them.

"After so much time they finally have admitted something."

"What's that?" You were curious, both had been clear; they didn't want to admit anything. You felt a shiver run down your spine at the thought of what they must have gone through to simply admit that.

"There is a traitor among us," Now General Hawk turned to face you. He gazed upon your faces of shock and horror with an indescribable expression.

"Sir, do you mean one of us?" LGK asked, noticeably shivering.

You released a breath as General Hawk shook his head, "We don't know anything about what team they're one. Simply that they are a Joe."

Everyone relaxed. Even Rip released a long breath, but stiffened again. You glanced at her, noticing how she kept clenching and unflinching her hand.

"Why tell us?" Will asked General Hawk. He took a step forward, "Why not team Alpha? They are your best agents."

"We need you to go undercover, team Alpha is away on another mission and you are my next best option."

"What do we do if we find the spy?" LGK lifted his gaze from the floor to look at General Hawk as he spoke.

"WHEN, LGK, not if, and they are to be captured and brought to me."

"Understood sir!" Will stated.

"You're dismissed." General Hawk pinched the bridge of his nose and sat down. As you all turned to exit you glanced at General Hawk one more time. You caught him looking sadly at a picture of a girl with long blond hair.

"What's up with you?" Azure gazed down at you, her blade at your throat. From the mat you looked up at her and released a long breath.

"Sorry." you mumbled, avoiding eye contact with Azure.

"You should be." Azure sheathed her sword, not taking her foot off of your chest until she stepped back and she stretched out her hand towards you. You took it and, with her help, got up from the mat.

"I'm supposed to be having difficulty fighting you, but you're way out of it. What's wrong?"
You wondered whether it was a good idea to tell her.

"What? Is it confidential?" Azure was joking, you knew, but she quieted down when you nodded.
"Oh," she wondered what to say, "Well, since you can't focus, and there's no point in me being here, I'll just go eat something. Bye," she gave a sorry attempt at a wave and walked out of the dojo.

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