Chapter 4

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Roadblock continued the ride in silence. There wasn't a single word that was spoken. Roadblock drove, Jinx stared out the window, Snake eyes stared at the back of the seat in front of him. You played with your dagger silently, stroking the piece of fabric hanging on it.

You thought of what was going on to the people you cared about. If the orphans were being bombarded with questions, if the older ones were having their backgrounds checked. If the children were being taken away or having their belongings removed. Or if the government had overlooked them entirely.

The airport wasn't far, not in this city. It took roughly forty five minutes. But to you it felt like nothing. Being patient can save a life when out on the streets. But it was crowded with traffic. Several cars all around the entrance, others wandering the parking lot.

It wasn't long before Roadblock was annoyed and began to curse under his breath. You ignored him and went back to imagining what the children at the orphanage would be doing. You stopped only for a brief moment to glance at the beach. You had never gone to one, and it looked dangerous. So many people out there, who knows what could be snuck in?

"Finally," Roadblock pulled into a parking spot and shoved his door open. He stepped out and arched his back into a stretch. Jinx and Snake eyes both opened the doors beside them and stepped out. You took a few seconds longer than them, hiding your daggers in your boots. You stepped out of Snake eyes' door and looked towards the building.

'You've never seen this building before?' Snake eyes signed to you. At least, you thought it was a question. Sign language is a language based on hands, positioning, and facial expressions. It was hard to know the difference between question and statement without the facial expressions. That's why you didn't answer. Snake eyes signed again and tilted his head to the side this time.

"Oh; no." You responded and turned to Road block. He locked the car and hid the keys in his pocket. You placed your hands briefly on your hips for no reason in particular.

"We have to move now," He looked at his watch, "Our flight takes off in thirty minutes."

"We won't have time to get on," You stated as you followed Roadblock to the building. You had never been on an airport, but it wasn't hard to figure it out. You had heard people complain on the streets about how long it takes to simply board a plane. People were going in and out simultaneously, all with suit cases. The inside would no doubt be even more crowded.

"Wrong," Jinx began, "We work for the government we can get onto planes with out being searched or going through the lines."

"Of course," You sighed, "The important people always get an exception," You mumbled.

'I suggest you shut up,' Snake eyes signed. You glared at him and walked on. You ignored his hateful gaze on your back. You passed right through security, not even bothering to get in line. You lowered your head to block out all the eyes staring at you. Snake Eyes moved beside you to get in the way, but there was no chance you would thank him.

You passed all security checkpoint and luggage search. You then took a turn that no one else seemed to be using. All while following close behind Roadblock. Down the white hall you went. Though it was brighly lit the hall felt slightly darker, due to the less amount of windows. At the end of the hall was a single woman at a counter. She smiled as you neared.

"Four passengers, to Japan," Roadblock stated simply. She tapped onto something on her desk and nodded.

"Go right ahead," She signaled to the door beside her. Roadblock nodded his thanks and pulled the door.

"Ladies first," He said playfully and held the door open for you. You walked past him and stood inside a giant airplane. You froze at the sight, you were in an airplane. A real one, that would make you fly. The seat were arranged into circles only on the left of the plane. The right was bare and served as a walkway.

You seated yourself on one of the seats, right next to the window. You looked out to the giant cement field. Other airplanes that were small to the eye were boarding people. You didn't realize you had dozed off until you felt your shoulder be tapped.

"Let's get down to business," Roadblock stated. He was almost directly across from you. Snake Eyes was slightly to the left, but not directly beside you. Jinx was seated to his other side. You were happy that they weren't close to you, it let you relax a little.

"What business?" You made sure that your voice sounded menacing.

"You're name."

"What about my name?"

"You can't use it," Jinx answer for him.

"Why not?" First they say 'don't let people know you exist', then they say, 'don't use your real name'. It got you infuriated. Why did they think you were? A robot? A cyborg?

"Even if you have no birth records or pictures of you, artists simply need to know your name and basic information to find you, a code name throws everything off," Roadblock explained, "So, what do you want it to be?"

"(Y/N)," You said defiantly. You already felt annoyed at all of this.

'Just pick a name,' Snake eyes signed. You cast him a glare. You pressed your lips into a thin line as you both gazed at each other. Based on how your skin burned you guessed that he was glaring at you as well.

"What if I don't want to?" You turned back to Roadblock. You crossed your legs, letting your boots, and your daggers, getting closer to you if needed.

He gave a shrug, "We can always go back on our offer to help those kids," He leaned back and crossed his arms. He narrowed his eyes, "Your choice."

You gave a growl, "Fire."

"What?" Roadblock tilted his head.

"Fire, my code name will by Fire," You crossed your own arms and looked back out the window.

"If it wasn't against the rules I would ask why, but fine, Fire," You turned back to him at the sound of your code name, "Welcome to G.I.Joe"

"Shut up," You growled, annoyed that it was already so easy for you to respond to it. But that was a personal reason. The plane began to take off. You ignored them when they talked to you. You ignored them when they offered you food. It wasn't until Jinx called you over to the bathroom.

"We need to make you look like the ID," She held up a copy of your ID. That fake identity that you now owned and lived.

"Whatever," You hissed and sat in a stool. Jinx cut your hair the way it was in the ID. She made your bangs shorter, but to the side to make it easy to see. She evenly cut your hair in the back. Then, to give it a flare, added red highlights. You didn't want to admit you liked it, but your lips twitched anyway.

"I'm guessing you like it," Jinx stated once she stepped back from brushing your hair. You didn't answer. Jinx continued, "My real name's not Jinx."

"Then what is it?" I instantly regretted asking. This woman was threatening my family just over an hour ago and now I was getting friendly with her?

"That's for another time."

"What about Snake eyes, and Roadblock?" There I go again!

"Roadblock's a dad. I don't know why he chose that name, but he uses it all the time. Snake Eyes, that's his real name."

"What kind of a name is that?"

"He was an orphan. He snuck into the temple that I was raised in and tried to steal some food. The master found him and named him, then taught him to fight."

"These code names are strange."

"They make us who we are." Jinx smiled at you through the mirror. You made sure to bite the inside of your bottom lip to stop the smile from showing.

"Then who are you?"

"A warrior. What about you?"

You contemplated this answer for a few seconds, "A survivor."

Jinx was as happy with the answer as you were, "I like that kind of person."

You gazed at your reflection and something in your stomach turned. It felt almost as if looking at this person, looking at this new image, you were someone else. Someone who was incomplete.

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