Chapter 57

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"Brought her to do it in front of me, didn't you?" Destro's chilling voice spoke. His back faced to the window and steering wheel. The pilot, dressed like the army below, was facing away from you, gazing out the large glass window that was breaking at least five safety laws.

"Not exactly," DB was smiling crazily as he spoke. His words made the two soldiers right behind Destro lift up their guns. You heard the familiar click and looked over your shoulder at the two soldiers guarding the door. You took one tiny step away from the trap door.

"Please explain what you intend to do then," He kept his hands folded behind his back. You wondered if they were malformed as well.

"What I mean is," DB pointed his gun at Destro, "I'm here to kill you."

Destro gave a loud chuckle and signaled to the two men behind him, "What army? Or is this a solo act? I believe it's the second," Destro stepped forward. You tensed but DB placed his cold hand on your shoulder.

Destro circled around the trap door, "You always have worked alone. It's your job, afterall," He leaned down to whisper into DB's ear, "You always did enjoy taking all the credit," He circled around to directly behind you and you could feel his cold breath on your ear. You tensed up so much you felt your legs go numb. DB squeezed your shoulder so tight it hurt.

"You just wanted to try and run away from all you've done. And bring this person, the one you fancy, along with you." You glanced at DB, but he was staring at the two soldiers that hadn't moved an inch. It almost seemed like he couldn't hear what Destro was saying.

"Stoic as always," Destro finally left your side and made his was around the trapdoor to back to where he was before. You cursed yourself for having stood still, for not reacting or fighting back. You cursed yourself for every naive and stupid thing you had just done.

DB released your shoulder, "You would be right, last week. But not today." You held your breath as one of the soldiers behind Destro pulled out a blade and placed it at his throat.

The other one as about to shoot them, but they were struck by something and fell to the floor in heap of growing blood. It wasn't until you looked at his back that you saw the blade. The pilot still had their arm in the afterthrow position. You heard a gentle sob come from behind you.

"Seems you had your own little army here, didn't you?" Destro wasn't even flinching. He seemed to be expecting it actually.

DB shrugged, "You meet lots of people when going undercover."

"Indeed," Destro lifted his hand in front of him to push up his sleeve and show his watch, "You do."

"What's that?" You snapped, your gun aimed at his head.

Destro gave a shrug, "I dunno, maybe, the way to make people bow down to me?"

You narrowed your eyes.

"Allow me to explain," Destro pushed the blade away from his neck, DB signalled to the soldier to let him move. Destro made his way closer to the Pilot, who was spinning a dagger between his fingers. Destro stopped in front of the window, "Madagascar is on a major ocean water route. If polluted here it will gradually spread to the rest of the world. Over time of course, but still preventable," He spun on his heel to face you, "By me.

"It is also farther away from a much bigger target," He gave a deformed sneer, "What were to happen if, say, the rivers of the United States and Asia were no longer, useful? If that the way it should said? Please excuse my manners, they aren't the best."

You growled at him. He was evil. Not evil like the men on the streets. Not evil like the villains in cartoons. He was simply evil. No motive, no reason. Just darkness pooling in his heart.

"I suggest you let me live, if you want other to live as well."

"Pretty good plan," DB admitted. You cast him a questioning look; he winked in return. DB faced Destro again, "Except that it has one major flaw."

"And what is that?" Desro was making an angry face with his demented face.

DB lowered his gun, "The fact that that isn't the trigger. This is," DB lifted his sleeve to show his wrist. An exact replica of the gold watch was placed there. DB tossed it to the floor and fired at it until it was shattered into tiny pieces. Not even made out of real gold.


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