Chapter 29

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Everyone turned to you. You gulped, feeling self conscious. You struggle for not show it on your face, despite the pounding in your heart.

"Her sister is... Jasmine."

You felt your mouth run dry. Jasmine stirred and lifted her sleepy eyes. You stared into her and realized something, they were the same eyes you had. You hadn't realized because she was asleep the entire time. Then a thought entered your head. Her dad was indoors. Obviously you had different mothers, there was no way your mother could've given birth to her, meaning you had the same father. And he was only about two meters away.

Lady Jaye pulled aside the beads that were acting as the door. You were the first one to enter. You didn't care who was behind you, you just wanted to see who abandoned you. You just wanted to see who didn't care about you, or your new found sister, enough to give you a life.
He looked like you but his sneer was unmistakable. On that chair with several pillows he sat like a ruler. You just hated him more. And the bottle dangling form his fingers only fueled that anger.

"Huh,"his voice was groggy, "Only girls. She was supposed to make a boy," he stood up and pushed past you. He was cold, careless, and didn't glance at you again.

You were angered at him, for several reasons. He didn't care about you, he wanted a son. And because you were a girl he didn't care for your name either, he wasn't there to see you be named, and with lost contact to your mother there's no way he would know it. Yet he didn't care to ask what it was. You held Jasmine in your arms. She was yawning her adorable yawn, unaffected by meeting her father. You hid what you felt from showing on your face. You turned to the rest of team Beta, all looked shocked and sorry, even Rip.

"When will we have time to go out and look for Storm Shadow?" You asked Will, your voice strong and determined. You had lived your entire life without a father, you felt as if you could continue doing so.

He opened his jaw, which had been clenched shut tightly, "Roughly five days."

You gave a nod, "Jasmine will stay here with us, and I will be the one taking care of her. When we return to home base she'll come with us. I'll take care of her."

No one argued. No one commented. They simply spilled out of the room at the speed of molasses. The last one to leave was Wild Style who was glaring at where the drunk man had sat.

Once they were out of the room you turned to your sister in your arms, "Don't worry," you whispered as you booped her nose, "I'll give you the childhood I never had."

Your father, it seems, was the leader of this community. He usually stayed in that throne room of his, only really leaving to pee or get something to consume. You avoided him, anger overtaking you every time your eyes laid on him.

It seems as if every one knew you and Jasmine were his daughters. They tried to exclaim that you were an heir, giving you gifts, you turned them all down. This was a title your father had given you, by chance, which you turned away. Since it belonged to him you wanted no part in it, and you demanded that everyone treat you the way they were treating the other joes.

It took them a little bit, but finally they began to view you the way they would the other joes. Team Alpha would constantly go out and scout the area, keeping an eye out for Storm Shadow and finding possible places to hide. Team Beta would stay behind and guard, which didn't sit too well with RIP.

You spent the majority of your time with Jasmine. You cared for her the same way you did with the children at the orphanage. You spoke to her in both English and Japanese. When Snake came back from scouting he would then take her and sign a few words.

'It's almost like you're a mom.' Snake signed and you fed Jasmine.

"I kinda am, even though she's my sister I can't help but feel like I have to care for her as if she were my daughter."

'You want her to have the best life, it's normal.'

I nodded slightly, "I should get adoption papers, I don't know which country though."

'Azure can handle the paperwork, she'll know what to do.'

I nodded, then bit my lip, "You'll be dragged into being a parent to. I get that you're not married to me or anything but-"

Snake patted my shoulder, interrupting me, 'I'll raise her with you. Even if what we have ends I'll stay around for her sake.'

I scooted closer to him, making sure not to shake Jasmine too much, "I don't want what we have to end. Snake wrapped his arm around my waist, his silent way of agreeing with me.

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