Chapter 10

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No one came to you this morning. You looked at the sun, it was about to pop awake. You walked on your own to the training grounds. The Blind Master stood beside the door, watching everyone.

"Good morning, Blind Master," you bowed and waited to be nodded at with approval. It didn't take long.

"Fire, meet your new training partner," he turned towards a girl with short cut brown hair that seemed to shine in the light. Her shoulders were small yet muscular, and she stood in a way that demanded attention and fear. She bowed in her red ninja suit, "Azure."

"Nice to meet you," you nodded your head to her. She smiled, and narrowed her eyes as she examined you. You looked her over yourself. She was well built, and fairly tall.

"To begin," the Blind Master nodded to an old man not too far off. He bowed and rushed inside. The Blind Master pointed his staff to a miniature wooden stage, "lets get into position."

"Yes master," Azure bowed again, you copied just in case. The Blind Master led the way to the stage, you followed behind, with Azure next to you.

"How long have you been training?" You got a hint of what was going to happen. You needed information on what to do.

"Five years, three of them being trained by the Blind Master himself," she stroked her hair. You noted the tone of authority in her voice. She looked at you, "I'm guessing you've had about a week." Short hair, meaning it won't get in her way.

If you were going to fight, it was better to get her to let her gaurd down, "Yea." Making her underestimate you is the way to go.

"Hm, I've heard you were being privately trained by Jinx and Snake eyes." Does that make her think you're stronger? Shoot, that might make things worse. Wait, where is he?

"Yea," at that you looked around for Snake. He was nowhere to be seen. Out of all the ninjas on the training grounds Snake wasn't there. You scolded yourself internally for trying to find him. He's not that important anyway.

The Blind Master stopped in front of the stage. He signalled for you to go up. You and Azure both jumped up onto the stage and faced each other, you copying most of what she did. The old man, what's his name?, came back out with wooden swords.

You were each handed a sword. This was a first. The handle was rough on your palm, nothing like the daggers in your room. It was also really long, hard to hold steady. If you didn't hold it right it would tilt too much and strain your wrist.

"You will fight eachother with these wooden swords-do not harm your opponent. The objective for both of you is to pin the other to the floor. Ready?" You faced Azure, she was much more used the sword. How is this in anyway fair? You bit your lower lip, "Begin!"

Azure launched forward, her sword pointed at your stomach. You spun out of the way and held up the sword in defense. But how can anyone protect themselves with this thin thing? She turned back to you and swung.

You ducked down and kicked out one leg. She jumped over your leg, pivoted and lunged at you. You dodged to the side and gave a wack at her torso. She spun, hit you with the sword at the thigh, and pinned you with ease, the sword pointed at your neck.

"Wow," Azure tilted her head, "You did pretty good for your first time," you glared at her. Good, but not good enough. If this had been done out on the streets they wouldn't have stopped short. They would have brought down the sword instantly. You would have been dead in that instant.

"Again," the Blind Master demanded. Azure jumped off of you and you rushed to stand up. You both lowered your heads into a bow, but Azure looked more graceful. You made a mental note to practice your bow.

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