Chapter 12

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Both you and Snake went in together. You took the turn to your room he took the turn to the kitchen. Azure stayed outside, skipping breakfast. You walked in silence to your room. Jinx wasn't at the door, or inside.

You sat where you always sat to eat, with Jinx. She had become a good friend. She was overpowering and demands that she doesn't help you in everything, but does care for you. She showed it in the way she spoke or looked at you, in the way to scolded Snake for being too rough. Snake reappeared with two plates of food. He placed one in front of you and sat on the wooden ledge. He sat down and placed his plate before himself.

"Is Jinx coming?" You couldn't help but ask. He looked over his shoulder at you. For several seconds he did nothing. You didn't care if he was testing you, you just wanted to see your friend. He slowly shook his head and slammed shut the backdoor.

You turned to your food. You pushed it away and grabbed the forgotten book. You wobbled over to your bed and sat down. You had never slept in this bed, always on the ledge. But now, you wanted nothing more than to relax in the comfortable cushion.

You opened the book and read one paragraph. You fell asleep instantly, then ten minutes before lunch ended Snake was shaking you awake.

'What are you doing?' He signed in front of your groggy eyes.

"Sleeping," you grunted. You wondered why you slept, its not like you felt tired. You were built on getting three, if lucky, hours of sleep. Getting seven is a full out energy drink.

~Snake's mind~

A person who only gets three hours of sleep is a lot like Levi...

~Back to Reader's POV~

'Jinx is on her way,' you felt happiness rise in your chest as he spelled out the name with his hand. Then you caught yourself staring at his hands. You jerked your head away from him, towards the door. You were not going to stare at his fingers.

Snake tapped your shoulder, you cast him a glare. 'Not yet, she's coming in the evening,' he signed.

You gave a graon, "That means it's your turn."

'Yes,' if there were a way to say 'yup' he probably would have. It seemed like inside he was buzzing with joy. Wich made your stomach turn into knots. What form of torture had he planned now? What else can you do to hurt me physically?

You were right to think so. Snake got right to work on your lack of skills with swords. By the end you had blisters all over your hands. You still had the bandaging so you wrapped your entire hand with it. Snake didn't even notice them.

After the sword entertainment came swiftness. For this, he made you jump through trees, way above the ground. He followed you below, good, since you fell down eight times. He caught you each time, and each time you tried not to stroke his armored chest. Each time he seemed to stare into your face longer than the last before tilting to let your feet touch the ground. Or it was just your imagination.

Then, you had to race the entire building. The entire thing. And once that was done he timed you to do the entire four mile run in fifteen minutes. You didn't pass. Then was balance. Standing on a log in the water, for ten minutes. Then squat down slowly, without making a ripple in the water and get back up. You failed that too, and didn't need to visit the baths by the end of it.i

Finally Snake left you alone in your room for half an hour, right before lunch. He left you a towel to dry yourself. You did, and changed quickly into dry clothes. You wore a simple purple ninja suit this time. A gentle knock was heard at your door.

Hope filled in your stomach at the thought of it being Jinx. You ran to the door and slid it open with such force it made a slamming sound. Your heart flowed with joy instantly.

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