Chapter 21

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"LGK," tablet boy glanced up in a jerky motion.

"Hi," he turned back to his tablet after mumbling a weak response.

"And the team leader," Roadblock turned to the last person, the jell boy, "Will."

"Sup," he gave a wink, again. He cast an attempted, a good one, charming smile, that you glared at in response.

"That guy is the leader?" You scoffed, "You must have low standards here."

"Don't underestimate him," Roadblock responded instantly, "He knows what to do, just like everyone else."

"Don't judge me yet." Will cooned to you, leaning forward in his seat as he spoke.

You scanned their faces silently before turning to the remaining girl.

"Who's that?" You asked, pointing with your chin to her.

"She talks," Rip amused.

"Name's Scarlet, didn't Snake tell you about me?" She tilted her head to the side, more so.

"No, I was too busy to be told about anyone," you narrowed your eyes slightly. She was intimidating.

Scarlet pulled herself into a sitting position, "Doesn't matter anyway, when do we get on the move?" She turned to Roadblock as she spoke, as if he was the only one worth her time.

"General Hawk said that you'll take off in two hours." He took off, believing that he was no longer needed, and left you there, he doesn't know a thing about getting people situated. They remained silent, and so did you. You began to contemplate on what a waste of time this was. And what were you even supposed to do?

"What's the mission?" You finally spoke up. You crossed your arms over your chest and gazed at all of them again.

"To escort Scarlet here home," Will responded. He hadn't taken his eyes off of you even once yet. You suddenly began to wonder about different ways to make him grovel in pain.

You turned to Scarlet, "Why?"

"I'm retiring," Scarlet sighed, "I want to keep my child safe." She patted her stomach simply.

You fumed, ripped from the people you love twice with the standard of finding a highly wanted criminal. And instead you're put into a team of weaklings and given the job of an escort. What a waste of nine months of your life. And you wanted General Hawk to know that.

"Where is General Hawk's office?" You said instantly, even though you had never met the man you knew you hated him.

"Down the hall, take a left and its right on the corner," LGK didn't look up from the tablet as he responded. He seemed to recite this information often.

"What are you gunna do? Whine?" Wild Style sneered at you as she lifted her pale hand. You didn't respond. You turned on your heel and began to storm down the path. You felt someone go after you. From the months of training you knew when someone was attacking from behind.

You pulled out your dagger, the one from the old lady, and pointed it right at her throat. Rip's throat to be exact. You almost smiled at the look of fear evident on her face. Everyone was silent, even LGK looked up from his tablet, but why didn't he look surprised?

"Don't mess with me," you said in a low voice. You sheathed your dagger and marched almost down the hall. You took the left and stepped into the office. All the while not a peep was made from the rest of your "team".

The dark wooden door read "General Hawk" in gold letters. You knew right away that it was painted metal. You opened the door without fear. He was at his desk, and looked up once you entered. At least, you assumed it was him being in his office.

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