Chapter 56

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"You know," you said as DB began to tie the harness around you, "I'm beginning to trust you less and less every passing second."

"If that were true," DB smirked at you as he finished strapping the harness, "you would have shot me by now."

"Who said I'm not considering it?" You let him finish strapping another belt.

"No one," he held up your gun, "It's just that you can't."

"When...did you...?"

He gave a chuckle, "There's a reason why I'm the top assassin." He handed your gun back to your wordlessly.

That's when a dark shadow cascaded over head. You lifted your head to be completly up, exposing your next to one of the deadliest men on the planet. You shook off that thought and gazed at the giant blimp above you.

"Tch, right on time," DB finished buckling you in and connected a rope to your stomach area, "When you get on take off the hook and make sure the safety on your gun is turned off."

"Got it," you lowered your head and made sure your guns were ready. All five of them.

"One more thing," DB pressed his lips to your cheek, "Chances of me coming back are pretty slim," he gave a sickening wink. You growled at him.

"Don't put your lips to me ever again!" You snapped at him, he gave a wink.

"Up we go!" He fired out a rope from what looked like a bazooka. A magnet at the end of it attatched itself to the bottom of the blimp.

"Ready?" DB asked you.

You have a nod, "Just hurry up."

"Whatever you say my lady," he shot you into the air flying higher and higher into the sky. You internally vomited at him calling you lady. You began to wonder why so many guys around you were such flirts.

You had to duck your head by leaning until you were practically horizontal so that you wouldn't hit your head. You could feel your hard breathing as your stomach turned from the sensation of being in the air. You had jumped off of buildings before, but not in over five months.

You placed your free hand against the cold metal of the blimp. You felt your fingers tingling from how hard you were gripping the gun. You pushed yourself away just a few inches to be able to straighten yourself a little bit while the other magnetic tipped rope was shot beside you.

As DB flew up you examined the blimp. It was plain silver, and had a trap door. You ran your finger tips around the edge of the silver trap door that blended into the blimp perfectly. DB was a good aim; firing both magnets right beside the trap door.

"You ready for the fight of your life?" DB chuckled at you, holding his own gun. He had left the bazooka discarded to the ground below. You glanced at it cautiously. DB noticed, "Don't worry, it's fresh out of these," He tapped the rope holding him happily, "Got an answer yet?"

You stared at the trapdoor, "What did you mean down there?"

DB's smile faltered just for a second, "You'll see. Don't walk away Fire, stay on the ground," DB gave a wink at his childish reference.

"Well," DB leaned back, "Let's get going! You may want to back up a bit."

You leaned away from him just the slightest and watched as he swung his leg forward and kicked the trapdoor with a loud force. At first you though he was going to break his leg by kicking metal, but it popped right out of its place.

"Steel tipped boots," DB chuckled, "Comes in handy." DB swung himself up and pulled you up along with him. He unclipped both of your harnesses when you looked around the room. You almost threw up by surprise. There, right in front of you, was Destro. You gazed at his malformed face in shock as DB pulled you up to stand. You lifted your gun but DB forced your hand down.

You gazed upon the man in fear and shock, your insides turning as you at last got a sight of what your target truly was. He, however, was calm and collected. His gaze showed no surprise or anger at the sight of you.

You felt your heart beat quicken, not knowing what to expect of him. You foolishly hadn't asked anyone what kind of fighter he was. Like a naive little child, you had gone in head first without thinking this through.

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