Chapter 35

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General Hawk called you into his office. Team Alpha and team Beta had been called as well. You stood next to Snake, your fingers interlocked. All of you stood, in a line, before Hawk's desk in his office. Everyone stood at attention, your faces bland yet focused.

"Its no secret that Storm Shadow escaped. Along with any chance of finding out where Destro is hiding," he sad as his desk, his hands folded in front of him. Even though he was shorter, due to being seated, he was still as menacing and powerful as when he was standing.

"Because of this we are at a great disadvantage. We don't know what Destro is planning or where he is. That's why we'll be sending you to different parts of the world to investigate. Team Beta," You all straightened as he called out your team.

"You will be sent to France. Investigate everything you possibly can. We've heard of some gangs dressed as ninjas causing several different problems there. If you find nothing on Destro at least find something on that."

You felt the soft hand that belonged to Snake rest on your shoulder. General Hawk noticed this gesture, but paid it no mind. Snake was the strongest Joe there was, even if he didn't necessarily deserve to be lazy, he certainly deserved to show the person most important to him that he cared.

"Team Alpha, because most of you are banned from entering France, specifically Paris, you will be sent to a different country."

General Hawk turned and motioned to the holographic map of the world. He touched the hologram and flicked it with two of his fingers. It spun around quickly until he stopped it by giving a simple tap.

"You will be sent to Germany. If things get messy in France your only job is to make sure they get into Germany and return here. Is that understood?"

The response was silence. Every had tunnel vision on the map, understanding their orders, and already plotting how to execute them.

"Very well. Your rides are ready, you all leave in an hour. Dismissed."

"Are you sure you're ready to take on this mission?" Will asked Wild Style. Although everyone found it strange that he would ask her such a thing, seeing as she was more than capable to make her own decisions, no one spoke about it.

She gave a grunt, her eyes closed and her arms crossed, "Yes. And the jet has already taken off so there is no point in asking if I want to back down."

You gazed out the window. You though back to Zach, and Jasmine. She was brought back with everyone after leaving Japan. She was in Home Base right now, the doctors in charge of her. You made it very clear that if she was put up for adoption you would do everything in your power to make them suffer. The only reason they really got afraid was because Snake had been there, and made it clear that he would do the same thing. At least Jasmine was safe for now.

As for Zach, you haven't heard at all about him. And as far as you knew no Joe has visited him either. You began to wonder how the children where doing. But you ran out of time to ponder as soon as the jet landed.

For once you landed at a public airport, but in a private parking. You were greeted by what looked like war Generals, based on all the medals.

"It seems you had a safe flight," he spoke strictly, but was overall relaxed.

"And there are more of you than expected," Said one curiously. You already knew who was the undocumented passenger. But it still made you feel sick. It had been about two weeks since someone has commented on how you had no birth records. That got you frustrated. But Will took care of it.

"Our system is a little slow, you'll have to excuse the number of us," he sounded diplomatic all of a sudden. You cast him a curious glance, how did he know how to speak to war generals? Then again, he's the senior Joe on the team, so it made some sense.

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