Chapter 46

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Teresa is a strange girl. Everything that is normal is seen as boring in her eyes. She never looks like the same person, the only way you can recognize her is through hearing her voice. Sometimes she finds a way to meddle with that, so that's even a bit iffy.

Every day it's a completely different outfit, a different style that you can't pinpoint to her. Every day it's a different eye color. Everyday it's a different wig. She's never the same person. She loves it, says it gives her an air of mystery. She also says that she loves to pretend to be a different person every day.

Aaron was nothing like the loud and attention seeking Teresa. He was the opposite actually. Always dressed the same. The same hoodie. He doesn't talk often, he's usually listening silently on the side.

He does talk, but not often. She smiles and chuckles, he just simply isn't motivated enough to talk. He says that it's because talking is tiring, and that he often doesn't know what to say. He's awkward and worried about saying the wrong thing.

Lucy is the one in between. Both are the extremes, Lucy is the balance between the two. She wears different clothes every day, but tends to stick towards a certain style. Which is all black and chains.

She's not overly talkative or overly quiet. She's in between. When Teresa and Aaron can't see eye to eye Lucy is the one that settles them both. She is the calm in the storm that is her friends.

All three of them were in band, and all three had someone become your friends. They didn't seem to care that you were there as an assistant teacher. Or that you were only the school for a limited period of time. Or that you knew little about marching.

They just kept hanging around with you, and you gave up trying to shake them off. Mostly because they gossiped about teachers. It was like a breakthrough in the case.

They would talk about teachers and certain traits that they had. You would then find out what area of the college they were at and spy on them a bit. Giving I go to Will that let him do some background checks on everyone.

It was slow, and you felt like very little was actually being accomplished, but you didn't feel like admitting that out loud. Admitting it out loud would just add to the pain and loneliness that you were experiencing.

At night you would cry, missing Japan and missing your friends. You wanted to be scolded by Jinx. You wanted to fool around with Azure. You wanted to hug Snake. You wanted to talk with the Blind Master.

You wanted to go back home.

"I wish those dang trombones would stay in time!" Teresa complained as she walked off the field. You were on the side of the football field watching the marching band practice.

The band director had taken a liking to you and asked that you show up more often. You agreed, seeing as giving students water was easier than correcting worksheets. The students grabbed some water and walked off to their little groups, but three kids stayed with you.

"It's only one trombonist." Lucy said casually.

"Yeah, and that one trombonist is the section leader!"

Aaron panicked, worried that this particular trombonist would hear Teresa's angry rant. He flapped his hands, motioning for Teresa to lower her voice. She rolled her eyes, but agreed anyway.

"We should hang out." Lucy spoke up suddenly.

"Hang out?" You wondered. That's a phrase you didn't hear that often.

"Yeah! That's a great idea!" Teresa seemed to be really on board with this idea. You were a bit iffy, but getting close to them would help with the mission.

"Where and when?" You asked them, deciding to start planning right away.

"Let's make a group chat!" Lucy pulled out her phone, the other two students following her lead.

"What's your phone number?"

"Mine? Um..." You reaches I to your pocket, remembering that you had been assigned a phone for this mission.

"You don't have your phone number memorized?" Teresa exclaimed.

"Neither do I." Aaron mumbled quietly.

Lucy took your phone, which made you panic. You hadn't lived I to your phone, seeing no reason to do so. There were very few numbers, and you didn't text anyone.

A phone that doesn't seem to be used is suspicious. You had few apps, and absolutely nothing about your phone was personalized. No wallpapers, no fancy keyboards, it was plain. Not even any pictures in the gallery.

Lucy didn't seem to care. She put her number into your phone and had you text her back. She then made a group chat. That's all that really happened that day.

Once band ended you went around the school halls. Examining anything suspicious and remembering any names or rooms. You went back to your temporary home and cooked something simple.

You knew basic cooking, thanks to Sarah. Jinx didn't spend any time teaching you how to cook, which you didn't blame her for. There was so much to teach you in so little time.

While at Home Base everyone would take turns cooking. For some reason you never cycled through to being the cook. Something simple and easy, which you ate.

You then logged onto the laptop that was provided to you along with the phone. You then prepared to video call Will, like you did every day. You had grown used to the cycle.

Sometimes you wished that Snake would be on the other side. That Husna would pop in with Jasmine. That Jinx would do a quick pop up, give you some advice, and wish you well.

But, when the video began, and Will was the only one there, you knew that that wasn't happening. You took a deep breath, pushing aside your self centered feelings, and began your report. You kept up this image. Until Will saw right through it.

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