Chapter 34

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I never knew that LGK could be so considerate. He usually just taps away at the annoying tablet of his. I always thought that tablet told him how do to everything. I didn't know that he actualy had thoughts of his own. I guess hurting my leg wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I honestly don't care about Storm Shadow. It's just one more thing to keep me busy. And as long as I'm busy I don't care what I do. As long as I don't have time to let my mind wander I'm happy. Mostly happy anyways.

After all, keeping distracted is the only reason I agreed to join G. I. Joe. As long as I'm doing something I'm fine. That's why I'm so good a fighting. I wanted to keep distracted, so I would train, all the time.

I didn't want to be like the others. They use food or drugs to keep them busy. Some went around making children, like my uncle. But I didn't want to do any of that. I know what is wrong, and I'm not going to let that make me who I am.

So I trained. Every night for twelve years I trained in the dark. I hunted, getting food for the rest of us. I did whatever I had to to make sure they were ok. Even if they didn't deserve it.

I don't care about many of those around me. That Will guy is pretty strong, but so carefree. Yet when it comes to it he is serious and deadly. I don't understand how he can change his character so fast. But I don't really care.

LGK isn't as annoying as I thought though.

When I first met him I saw a scrawny pale boy who hid behind a screen. He's not as bad as I thought.

But, When It comes to it, he'll die for being so weak. The least he could do is learn to pump weight and have something going for him in a fight. I made sure he knew that.

That Wild Style girl is straight up creepy. Her eyes always look like they're analyzing everything. If I wasn't forced to work with her I would have begun to stalk her every move. But we are expected to trust people, and that's what I need to do, even if I hate it.

Then there's the new girl. From day one she acted like she was better than all of us. I wanted to prove that I was strong, but all that did was embarrass me. The way they laughed was so enraging. To make things worse, Fire didn't bother to care for us. She cared for herself and no one else. So annoying.

And then she's all over that ninja guy. She makes no sense. But I guess it doesn't matter. What matters right now is my leg.

As annoying as it is, I wouldn't be able to stand if it wasn't for LGK. I should've been more careful out there. They wouldn't have noticed I had been hurt if it wasn't for LGK.

Or course, he was behind everyone else. I fell, and no one noticed. If he hadn't yelled out to everyone else they would never know. So much for watching each others backs.

"Do you have a death wish or something?" LGK asked while he was carrying me back.

"No," I hissed. We had been quiet all the way back. I don't know how long it took to reach the top of the mountain. LGK couldn't breath by the time we got up there. Then he spent the entire day with me.

"Why don't you want to tell us your past?" I glared at him. He held up with hands and backed away, "Uuuhhh, you don't have to tell me!" He rubbed his neck, "Just trying to break the silence."

"When you break the silence you usually don't bring up a topic the person clearly doesn't want to talk about."

"Sorry," he mumbled, "My fault, you're right."
That was the first time someone apologized to me. That was the first time someone admitted to me that they made a mistake. That was the first time I had been told, in my life, that I was right. And I told him. I don't know why, it just came out.

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