Chapter 28

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Azure stopped at the entrance. You gazed upon the large wooden door in awe. Clearly this place was expensive, it could be seen from all the detailed lines on the doors. Lady Jaye handed you the child. You pulled her into your chest, her warmth spreading to you. Her back rose and fell gently against your hand. Her small breaths audible in your ear. It reminded you of the children back at the orphanage, which both warmed your heart and broke it.

"Jasmine is so small, how old is she now?" Will walked up to you.

You didn't step away from him, "She's about a year old now."

"When is her birthday?"

You thought for a moment, "February 20th."

"What happened to her parents?"

You hesitated, "Mostly the same as me. Except her mom actually left her somewhere safe." You thought back to your talk with Azure while going up the mountain. Until the Joes had shown up the Blind Master had taken Jasmine in for a while. Azure explained her life story to you as you both hiked up the mountain side.

"There's a high chance her father is here," Lady Jaye mummbled.

"Lets get moving," Roadblock stated. He turned to face everyone else, "Team Alpha, you'll be on the offensive. Team Beta, you will stay hidden, don't come out until my command. Understood?"

"Why did we come if all we're doing is being backup?" Rip hissed.

Roadblock cast her a glare, "You want to throw your self over the edge, or do you want me to help you?" Rip remained silent.

Snake placed a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him. He lowered his head and rested where his for head would be on yours. He pulled back and pointed to a jutting wall on the cliff.

"Be safe," you whispered to him. There was no telling what was behind that door or what would happen once it was opened.

He lifted one hand to your face.

'I will.'

You held the sleeping baby closer and you crouched behind the wall, you peered out as Roadblock pounded on the door. Wild Style hid with you, but she wasn't paying attention. Rip and LGK were on the opposite side if the clearing. Rip was atop a Sakura tree and LGK curled into a ball behind a bush. Will had cloned up the face of the cliff and was well above eye level of the door. He peered over the edge to see what was going on.

Roadblock waited for a response. He was welcomed by a small eye hole sliding open. You focused your gaze yo see that they were two separate colors, one blue one green. You pulled behind the wall.

"What honor do we owe this visit?" The words rolled off his tongue with the accent of a Japanese person. Oh gosh that sounds racist.

"We need to do a thorough search through the area." Roadblock boomed, echoing off the cliff side. Lady Jaye stood beside him, un-moving. Her finger lingered just centimeters away from that of Flint's. Snake stood beside Roadblock, next to Jinx. Then stood Azure, who stood unflinching. She was standing slightly behind the other Joes, giving them respect.

"For what reason?" The mans voice continued. It was old and raspy.

"We have reason to believe that a wanted American fugitive is in hiding here."

"Well," he seemed entertained, "it would be a shame if he wasn't caught."

"We request that you allow us inside to do a search. If you refuse we have authority to use force."
You imagined his eyes narrow, at squint at the edge in amusement. You heard only the wind, not even a foot shuffle was heard. You patted the back of Jasmine, she was being a good girl with being quiet.

"Such a high demand, may we think on it?"

"You have ten seconds before I knock down this door," Roadblock responded. You instantly began to count in your head.

1... The man beside the door snickered...2... He waited... Roadblock cast him a glare...3...4 Snake reached for one of his guns...5...6...Lady Jaye lifted her gun...6...the man closed the eye hole...7 a click is heard...8 You hear the creak of a door opening... 9... "Welcome inside," the mans voice sounded hollow.

Once the door closed behind them you instantly wished you knew what was going on. You waited, not moving or making a sound. Even when your legs got numb after twenty minutes you didn't move.

"Clear," Will jumped down and landed in the clearing, "We've been given permission to enter." You stood up and peered around the edge. Will brushed hair out of his eyes. The door behind him freaked open, showing a red and yellow robes monk.

Rip jumped out of the tree and LGK popped his head out of the bush. Wild Style was the first to walk to the door. You hugged Jasmine closer to yourself as you entered.

Inside it was like a village. Everyone was dressed in the red and yellow clothes of monks. Women walked with jugs to the center of the make shift village to gather water form the well there.
Snake instantly slid his fingers into yours and leaned so that your shoulders were touching. Azure popped up beside you, and smiled.

"Bad news, he's not here. Good news, well two good news. One, we have new allies. And two," she clapped her hands together, "We found Jasmine's father!"

You looked at the child in your arms, "Her father?"

Azure nodded just as Jinx walked up.

She pointed to a set of stairs directly across from the entrance, "He's in there right now."
Will cane back from his debriefing with Roadblock, "We'll be staying here for a few days.," He jerked his chin towards Jasmine, "Her father is going to leave soon. Introduce them and then she'll stay here, some women have agreed to raise her."

"Team Beta!" Lady Jaye hollered out loud. You all rushed for go to her. You weaved through the crowd skillfully. You wondered why they gave you surprised looks and stares. Some children almost shouted at you, until their mother's smothered their mouths and rushed them away.

At the foot of the stairs you stood at attention. You noticed that Azure and Jinx had held back Snake from following you. He respected both of them, that's why he didn't push them away when he easily could have. What was going on?

"Team beta, make sure nothing goes wrong while Jasmine meets her father!"

"Achoo!" LGK sneezed. He sniffed then looked at his tablet. He gasped but stopped halfway when another sneeze overtook him. No,one said 'bless you'.

"Do you have something to say, or not?" Rip stated. She didn't even sound annoyed.
LGK nodded, "I just got the DNA result for Fire."

You froze in place as he continued, "She... she has a sister."

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