Chapter 36

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"Here we are," Will stated as he gazed at the bakery.

"A bakery?" Rip asked him, clearly pissed off at Will. To her defense, you were just as confused and uncertain as she was.

"Seems a bit unexpected," Wild Style mummbled.

Will heard her, "That's why it's such a great place to hide information." The smile on his face was so large, as if he was proud of that fact.

"Are we going in?" LGK asked, his hands clutching his tablet. You gave him credit for not being as scared.

Will shook his head, "Wait until one of them goes on break."

"Do you have a plan?" You had your arms crossed over your chest, weight on one leg.

"Yup," he responded, "So lets wait!" He pointed to a nearby café, "He doesn't go on break for another hour, so let's relax!"

Will didn't wait for anyone to respond, he lead the way and you followed him. He ordered everyone the same type of tea. He picked a table outside that let you easily see the bakery without turning your head too much.

Will took a sip of his tea, "Ah! I've missed this type of tea!" He was so light and playful, as if he was never a part of this group.

"I don't like tea," Rip leaned back in her chair. LGK, who was beside her, drank his slowly. You noticed how Wild Style drank it despite the fact that she really didn't like it. You simply stared at yours.

"What? Never had tea before?" Will was joking but seeing your facial reaction he knew what was up, "oh."

"I need something to drown out their talking," Rip refereed to the other people outside of the cafe with their own meals and drinks. Everyone was taking their time and chatting casually. Rip leaned into the center of the table and clicked on the radio. You were calmed by the French song that played.

An hour passed so quickly you were broke, out of your daze when Will spoke, "Yo! Mon ami Requin!"

A good looking bakery man with gold hair turned to look at team Beta, "C'est magnific!" He laughed as he made his way over.

"Bonjour monseuir," he said to a nearby butler, "Une croque monseuir s'il vous plait."

"Oui monseuir," he gave a bow and turned to enter the cafe. You were happy you knew french, because you could understand everything they said. For a brief moment you were brought back to those memories of being in Japan. You forced yourself to ignore that thought, not wanting to get emotional while on duty.

(Translation: Yo! Its my friend rabbit!
-This is magnificent! Sir, a croque monsuit (French dish of bread, cheese and ham) please.
-Yes sir.)

"Porque vous visite?" He sat next to Will casually, both their smiles radiant.

"We need to know something important," Will stated to him, his smile less sincere and more plotting.

"I'm all ears," he said in an almost perfect accent.

"Where are you hiding the blueprints to the water machines?"

He stopped smiling, then gave a laugh, "And here I thought you cane to visit!" His gaze became dark, "But it's just to get us arrested."
Will must have pointed something deadly at the man under the table because he froze.

"Answer the question," he hissed. His smile was gone, as well as his playful manner. The rest of you placed your hands on your weapons, examining the exchange, as well as those who were close by.

"How about this," the man sighed, "to pay you for all the times you saved my life. We keep it in the bakery, third under second lock. Now," he lifted his hands to his ear, "begin with execution."

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