Chapter 20

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It was huge inside, larger than the training grounds in Japan. And it was difficult to maneuver, because unlike Japan it wasn't open, there were walls, halls, and rooms. All closed off with thick and unattractive concrete. So unlike the decorated walls in Japan.

No one paid you any attention as they walked past you to do their own business. It seemed as if a new Joe was nothing exciting, you were pleased with he lack of eyes watching you. Roadblock wasted no time in getting you to where you were supposed to go.

You followed behind him, clutching your right hip. Despite having been apart for 9 monthe he didn't seem to care very much about getting closer to you, or catching up. A dagger was positions there, covered by your tight black shirt. Your shoes hit the cold metal of your other blades, it would have been louder if not for the soles of the shoes.

The constant chatter of everyone was deafening. Their boots clanging against the metal as they walked. Guns went off as other Joes practiced firing at targets. The moans and grunts of people fighting rose with the sounds of everyone else. It was deafening, and nothing like Japan. That's why you began to dislike, it sounded like the streets.

Roadblock left the main path and went down a wide hall. He turned right to a larger hall. He continue leading you down this hall to take a left and ended at an opening.

Three of the walls were made of solid bricks. The fourth wall was completely glass and looked out towards several jets. There were five jets, and four were pushed to the side. One was in the center, and several people surrounded it.

In the room were seated six people. Three girls and two boys. The oldest girl, which could be picked out from the very slight wrinkles on her forehead, had long red hair that fell down her shoulders. She rested a single hand on her stomach, two rings of her ring finger. She dressed mostly like everyone else. She held her head up with her other hand. Her elbow placed on the arm of the chair and her head tilted to rest on her knuckles. Her muscles rippled under her clothing, making the slightly bump on her stomach look foreign.

The girl to her right was slouched in the chair. Her brown and orange hair cut short to look almost like that of a boy's haircut. She dressed with clothes that looked too tight to move in. But the muscles in her arms and legs showed that she could move just fine. Her cleavage showed that she was full grown, around twenty or so. Eye liner was on her face, pointed out in the end with a kitten eye; mascara heavily on her eyelashes. That or they were fake.

The next girl, right beside the boy girl, held a single gun. She placed with it in her hands and tucked a loose strand of blond hair behind her double pierced ear. You wondered how it came undone with it tied into a tight pony tail. Her tiny figure was overlooked by the strength in her arms. Unlike the other girl her face was bare, when she tilted her head you realized that only one ear had two piercings. She looked to be only sixteen.

One of the boys sat beside the woman. He held a tablet in his hand. His fingers clicked away while his eyes stared at the screen through the glasses placed atop his nose. His messy green hair remained dead upon his head. His body showed that he did no physical labor, and emphasized his age by two extra years. Making him look like he was nineteen. Upon closer examination of the glasses you could tell that they weren't entirely needed, he could see fine.

The final boy seemed like he had all the time in the world. The sat as if he was bored and lifted his head up to face the ceiling. He looked asleep, but when he opened his eyes and looked at you, you realized he was wide awake. His green eyes showed a flash of mischievous as he passed his hand through his highly jelled hair. His large body showed he wasn't weak, and his toned chest pumped out of the loose shirt. He was definitely in his mid twenties. But the childish grin on his face made him look younger.

"This is your new team," Roadblock began, tilting his chin towards them.

The gun girl sat up, "About time," she complained. Her voice was much lower pitched than her small frame suggested.

"Didn't know we would get a cute ninja," the jell guy gave a wink. You ignored him, it was sad how he was flirting with a girl he just met. If he tried anything, he would regret it, you smile mentally as you though of him suffering. This thought was what held you back from lashing out.

"What? Another ninja that doesn't talk?" The boy girl snorted. You ignored her as well. Such a sad lot of undercover agents.

"Fire, meet your new teammates. Wild Style," the boy girl gave a slight nod.

"Rip," gun girl tossed her gun up and caught it with ease, she pointed it at the ceiling and turned to look at you. Obviously, it was meant to intimidate you. But it didn't, it was nothing compared to what you had learned in Japan. It seemed to make sense to show off, to show it didn't bother you, but what did it prove? You knew you were better, if they didn't then they would eventually.

I know it's upsetting that Japan is no longer the setting..(I missed writing about it when doing from here and on) but please understand that there's a reason why. G I Joe didn't take place in only one country, and I want to show that in this story. The teammates can be annoying, but maybe you'll warm up to them? I sure did.

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