Druggie - Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Y/N. I've been living on my own with my older brother, Alex, for half my life now, since my parents died years back. Ever since then, I've been a cold hearted reckless teen but who can blame me? I practically have no family, and my brother barely comes home. He only comes on Mondays and Fridays when his girlfriend has to work, but it doesn't bother me I could care less. My brother doesn't know that I drug deal but, it's just so I can get enough money to pay for this house's rent. He thinks I "work" but really my "work" is the magic that happens on the streets. Now that's out of the way, lets get on with the story of my dreadful life.


"Y/N, I'm back home!" Alex screams from the front door.

"Cool for you, I saved you some left over pizza I ordered the other day, have at it." I bluntly say back.

   "Cool thanks sis, you should get some friends and you know... Talk to people, get out of the house." Alex yells, heading to the kitchen.

"I'm good, I'd rather stay in my room and think about how lonely I am." I say, slightly chuckling.

"Okay well rent is due. Go to work today and get the money." He says, shoving a piece of cold pizza in his mouth.

"I got the night shift, I'll go later."

"Ahh k, well I'm going to take a nap." Alex states, silently grabbing the pizza box and running to his room.

When he says that, he means he won't be out of his room until like, 12am.

I look out my window to hear a girl screamingㅡ

"Screw you, Carl Gallagher!" ㅡI was pretty much used to it, all of his "hoes" come over, sleep with him, and then he drops them and they get their panties in a twist. It's really nothing new. I was never into Carl, he always disgusted me, -oh well. I do sometimes have to say hi to him though, because I love Fiona and Debbie.


My night shift is about to start, so I put on a pair of skinny ripped high waisted jeans, with a cropped sweater, adding a pair of sandals and then put my hair up in a messy bun. I grab my backpack that I don't exactly use, though it's full of bongs, rolling papers, and my weed that I'm gonna sell to this guy. Then I can pay this months rent. As I walked out the door, I slowly closed it without making a noise and walked out of my house. I saw Carl peek out his window looking at me, confused, so I flicked him off and he immediately shut the window.

"Creep" I say to myself.

Carl's Pov :

Who is that? I look out of my window to see Y/N, walking by herself with a stuffed bag. I wonder where she is going so late. Personally, I wouldn't care about what she does, but something in my brain is telling me I need to follow her, not just for her safety but also because Debbie and Fi love her. I grab my pocket knife, and just walk out the door with what I have on.

Y/N's Pov :

I'm almost there, and minutes later I see the guy I'm meeting up with.

"Hey, you seem a little too young for this life kiddo, go back home." A strange guy says, he's wearing a hoodie.

"Yo, I'm 16 get over it, it's my life I do what I want I gotta make a living some how, you want the drugs or not?" I say with my arms in the air.

"Drugs.." Carl whispers to himself while watching and smirking around the corner.

"Aye aye, fine lil mami, how much you giving me?" The strange guy asks.

"A pound. That's enough for at least a couple months, use it wisely." I say, grabbing the weed out of my backpack.

"How much you want?" The guy asks.


"I'll give you 150." The guy says, snatching the weed.

"Aye aye, no, give me my shit I said 200." I said trying to take the weed back.

"You don't run these streets, sweetie, now leave."

"I'm not leaving without my damn money, or weed." I say, getting in his face.

"Little girl you don't want what I'm gonna give you if you don't back down." He retorts, getting in my face as well.

"What you gonna do, give me my stuff!" I yell as I take a swing at the guy.

Right before the guy hits back, Carl stands in front of me, taking the hit.

"Hey, leave bitch!" Carl says, turning around to me and telling me to take the 150$.

"Who invited you, and no I need the other 50, my rent is due." I say, stepping back.

"Ugh, I'll give you 50, okay? okay, let's go." He grunted, grabbing my arm and dragging me along with him.

"Your lucky your man saved your ass." The guy in the hoodie said, flicking me off.

"He isn't my man, and why don't you take that weed and shove it somewhere far up there." I yelled before Carl dragged me faster away.

*** This is probably the longest chapter I'll have but thanks for reading I hope you enjoy the first chapter , how do you think Y/N will react to Carl's save of the day find out soon ;)

A/N - sorry if these first couple chapters are bad writing , as you get more into the story the more you notice my writing gets better.

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