That night - Chapter 2

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       I turn to Carl to see him smirking at me...

      "What do you want Gallagher, and why the hell are you here? Last time I remembered, you were cursing some girl out of your room." I furrow my eyebrows, crossing my arms over my chest.

     "Hey I'm not here for you, I'm here for Debbie and Fiona because they care about you, and I wasn't gonna let you be selfish and throw that away." He coldly states, not looking over at me.

       "Carl, go home and forget you ever saw me, you never cared or bothered to be around me before, don't even start now."

      "Aye yo come on, you know you're not to thug to be on these streets without a Gallagher." He said with a smirk.

     "I've been pretty fine without a Gallagher, so I'll keep it that way."

      "You've done this before?"

    "Uh yes, how do you think I pay rent? I always go to the south side of Chicago, then sell the drugs. The left over money I use to buy new drugs, and then I go sell that and save some money for me."

    "Next time I wanna come with you."

     "No thank you.." I roll my eyes, wondering why he even asked that.

   "No come on, I can show you the real deal people on the streets, you'll get loads of money." He smirks, finally looking over at me.

     "Fine, but only when I deal, other than that lil fuck boy stay away from me. I'll knock on your door and that's your que to come outside and meet me, if I wait for more than 5 minutes I'm leaving without you."

    "Fiesty one are we, why ?"

    "Because you just fuck around with girls when they actually like you, you just smash then pass and it's so rude and disrespectful. I'm not gonna take part in your games." I huff, "But I don't even care about what you do, I'm just saying you have no chance with me."

He looks at me with wide, shocked eyes.

  "Hm, well then. I was not expecting that.."

   "Whatever, I'm home. Bye, Gallagher."

     "Aye yea bye Y/N." he says, smirking and looking you up and down.

  Y/N's Pov :

     "Alex I got the money for rent, come down stairs!" I shout from the door, expecting to see him running down.

He doesn't come down.

        "Aleexxxx," I drag, tiptoe-ing upstairs.

   As I walk up the stairs I peek into his room and notice my brother with a needle in his arm and he's lying lifelessly on the floor. "OH MY GOSH, ALEX!" I scream, rushing over to him taking the needle out this arm.

    "Alex Alex Alex wake up please, omg you're so fucking stupid! Why Alex!? You had me, you had your girlfriend, you had this house, ㅡ" i begin to panic, pulling out my phone and dialing 911.

    As the ambulance pronounces Alex dead, the police notice you're under aged, so a cop asked you about staying with another family member.

    "Both my parents are dead, and my family hates me. I'll go ask my neighbor if I can stay there."

     I turn to leave, but the cop puts her hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

     "May I ask why you haven't cried when your brother just died? Just curious." I turn to face the cop completely, looking her dead in the eye.

   "Because I've lost too many people to where I don't feel anymore."

     Fiona, Debbie, and Carl were already standing outside, holding their arms out for me to hug them, I could see Frank just passed out through the door way. I chuckled a little bit.

   As I hugged them, I asked Fiona:
"Can I stay for a little while? I have no where else to go."

    "Of course Y/N, of course, and I'm so sorry for all of your losses."

    "Yeah, thanks" I sigh and go up to Debbie's room and automatically fall asleep on her floor.

    ** *Whats Carl gonna say when you start staying at the Gallagher house ? , Find out next chapter  ;) thanks for reading guys hope you enjoyed the first two chapters. OH YEA how do you feel about Carl and you working together in drug deals ? Leave a comment.

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