Mama drama - Chapter 47

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I was awoken by Carl shifting the blankets back and forth over and under him.

"For fuck sake Carl chill with the blanket !!" I mumbled

Moments later I hear Carl's phone alarm go off then see sleepy Carl get up and drag himself to the bathroom. I rise up from my pillow and check the time seeing it's almost 7am when I saw the time I plopped back to my pillow waiting for Carl to enter the room.

"Hey babe , can you take Franny to daycare this morning since you're already up for work ?" I politely ask

"Can't" he mumbled

"And why not ?" I mumble back.

"Because I don't wanna be late." He grunts putting on his work clothes.

"Listen up hot stuff , this isn't just my fucking kid you ass hat , it's our kid key word OUR so therefore you need to take care of her also, not just me Carl fucking Gallagher , now take OUR goddamn child to daycare on your way to work." I sit up in the bed

"What the fuck is your problem Y/N ?" He raises his voice.

"Carl I'm always alone in this house taking care of Liam and Franny , I'm tired of it and then when you and Fiona get home no one talks to me or even shows me or the kids attention and I'm sick of it , take care of your god damn brother and daughter for a change because I'm tired of doing it." I yell back

"She's not even our fucking kid !!" Carl screams

"Your right she was Debbie's till Debbie fucking died Carl so now she's ours and we will treat her like ours now take our goddamn child to daycare and your brother to school !!" I screamed

"For fuck sake fine Y/N fine." He complains walking out the room, slamming the door.

~Later that day~

It felt nice to finally get some peace and quit all by myself. Moments later I heard a quite knock at the door , I ran down the stairs and opened it.

"Surprise !!"

"What the actual fuck are you doing back ?" I respond

"Miss me sweet cheeks ?"


Short chapter today I know but I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger whoops.. but follow my Shameless Instagram account it's
Thanks playa ;)

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