Talk to me - Chapter 25

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It was the next morning I heard chatter downstairs so I put on a pair of Carls sweatpants and walked downstairs. As I was walking down the stairs I saw Bonnie and Carl sitting on the couch talking.

Hey Gallagher baby.

Good morning beautiful.

Hi Bonnie...

Oh yea hi Y/N.

I see you two are friends again.

No not really I'm just gonna listen to what she has to say.

Well the reason I left was because you where falling in love with me and I did not want that , then because I would fall for you and I didn't want that so I told my mom and family to take the van to another state and so she did.

So you left me because I wanted you ?

Yes Carl , I broke a lot of hearts and I was a bad influence on you I had to go , for your sake.


Just okay ?

What did you expect me to run back into your arms ?

I guess I did....

Well no I'm with Y/N she is a beautiful and warm hearted girl and I wouldn't trade her for anyone aight so go back to your van family and get the hell away from my family. You left and you cant just come back and expect me to be with you because its not happening.

Fuck you , I just wanted you to know , I'm the reason Y/N got raped not Debbie and not Dominique all me.

Are-are-are you-you.

Oh stop stuttering , your smarter then that you know I'm capable of that Carl.

Are you kidding me Bonnie ?

No , I knew once you thought your girl was raped you would come right back home and talk too me.

So I wasn't raped ?

No way , I just took your clothes off and gave you a hickey on your upper boob.

Debbie wasn't in on the plan but Dominique was. I'm sorry I put you through so much trauma but , I needed Carl to know why I left years back.

Fuck you Bonnie , you scared the shit out of my girlfriend and put her through shit and all because you wanted me to know why you left?


Well fyi I never thought or cared about you and why you where gone. I think you need to leave now and forever.

I just ran out of the house with my phone. I was wearing sweatpants and a cropped white shirt with some socks on. I ran all the way to Mickeys house where Ian was.

** Mickeys house

Ian Ian help me please..

Wha-wha-what happened ?

Run away with me please.

I'm gay Y/N...

I'm not in love with you Ian I love Carl but , I need to get away for awhile and I know you have Bi-polar depression so you need a get away too.

Y/N just got upstairs and take a nap.

If you don't come with me ill go by myself.

No fine fine ill go with you , let me grab mickeys keys and then we will go.

Thank you ill be in the car.


Wait your gonna run away with Ian ? Fine out what will happen soon :) Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please its

Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now