Fiancé - Chapter 52

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"Babe my feet hurt." I whine

"Where almost home cry baby." Carl chuckles.

"I might not make it!!" I scream dramatically.

"Come on drama queen." Carl laughs sweeping me off my feet carrying me away.

~Gallagher Home~

"Surprise bitches!!" Fiona yells to us walking in the house.

"Surprise baby!!" Carl also yells setting me me down.

"What's going on ?" I smile

"We are gonna have some drinks and celebrate the new engaged couple." Bonnie smiles walking down the stairs.

"At 2am ?" I laugh

"Yes!!" Veronica yells walking into the house.

"How many more people are gonna come popping out ?" I question

"It's just you,your Fiancé,Bonnie,V and me !!" Fiona smiles taking a shot.

"And the kids ?" I worriedly ask

"They're sleeping Y/N calm down have a drink and celebrate." Bonnie says calmly.

"Okay okay let's get this party started!!" I yell taking a shot.

~Following Morning~

"Good morning my lovely fiancé." Carl whispers cuddling up next to me.

"Not a good morning, I have a massive headache." I mumbled

"Well we did a have night full of drinks." He let's out a laugh.

"Yeah, where are the kids ?" I grunted

"With Fiona down stairs." Carl sighs

"What's wrong ?" I turn over

"You don't seem so happy." He mumbled

"Sorry, I'm not feeling so good."

"I know but, you don't even seem happy were getting married." He scrunched his brows.

"Carl, I said yes didn't I ?"

"Yes, but.."

"Didn't I !?"

"Yes" He sighs

"Exactly that means I want to marry you, I'm in love with you Carl and just because I'm not 'showing it' doesn't mean I don't." I kiss his soft cheeks.

"I love you, and cannot wait to marry!!" Carl says in excitement.

"Hey so I've been thinking."

"About ??"

"In the letter Debbie left me she told me as soon as me and you marry, that we should move out of Chicago." I sit up

"I don't think that's a good idea, we have family here." He says also sitting up.

"Well that was Debbie's death wish Carl I wanna live up to that." I look into his eyes.

"Well we will have to think about it, not everything is about you." He grunts laying back down.

"Exactly not everything is about me you ass hat, that's why I wanna move not because it's my expectation, because it's Debbie's." I say walking out the room.


"Good morning or afternoon." Fiona smiles holding Franny.

"Oh yeah afternoon ?" I say confused looking at the clock.

"I let you and Carl sleep in." Fiona mentions putting Franny down.

"Oh it's all good just glad my baby is alright." I smile kneeling down.

"Y/N all you've worried about lately is Franny and Liam." Fiona stands up.

"And what's so bad about that ?" I smile at Franny.

"Your worries can't always be on the kids."

"But I always worry about them." I stand up.

"You don't need to though, their safe and I'll always look out for them, sometimes you need to let go of your worries and have fun and be peaceful." Fiona says making eye contact with me.

"It's hard sometimes to not worry though." I frown

"I know but, just know this family loves the kids and we wouldn't let anything happen to them." Fiona smiles holding my hands together.

"Yeah I know, thank you." I crack a smile.

"So have you thought of any ideas for the wedding ?" Fiona asks sitting on the couch.

"Not really, do you have any ?" I also sit on the couch.

"Yep wanna hear ?" She smiles

"Of course !!"


What are Fiona's ideas for the wedding and will Carl come through about moving ? Find out soon also check out my Ethan Cutkosky FanFic and follow my Shameless Instagram its

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