Yes to the dress - Chapter 56

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  ~The next day~

"Come on Y/N, you're taking forever to get up I wanna get to the dress shop before all the rich bitches take them!!" Fiona yelled from downstairs.

"Babe get up Fiona has been yelling for an hour." Carl grunts rubbing my arm.

"Fine I'm up!!" I yell sitting up.


"Okay, have you thought of any ideas for a dress?" Fiona asks still making  eye contact to the road.

"I know I want it to be a basic white color, with a showy back." I respond gazing at the street lines.

"Oh okay, we will have to look around a bit and I'm sure there are people to help us out." Fiona smiles quickly looking at me and then back to the road.

"Yeah okay" I smile

"Are you okay?" Fiona scrunches her eyebrows still looking at the road.

"Yeah, just stressed" I sigh


"The wedding is so soon, then a month later we need to he in Florida, and we have Franny. It's just a lot of stuff I need to figure out." I say running my hands threw my hair.

"Well I'll be here to help you guys out in anyway shape or form, and Lip,and Ian will be forced to help you guys move." Fiona smiles rubbing my leg.

"Thanks Fi, it means a lot." I smile


"Hello Miss, can I help you two with anything?" A co-worker asks approaching me and Fiona.

"Actually yes, we are looking for an all white wedding dress that has an open back." Fiona says turning face to face with the lady.

"We actually have three dresses in stock of  that description, follow me." The lady says walking along the isles.


I tried on two out of the three dresses, and so far I didn't like any till I had a look at the third dress. My eyes popped out of my head leading my jaw to drop at how stunning and beautiful this dress was.

"Well try it on!!" Fiona insists handing me the dress.

I try on the beautiful white dress and walk out to see Fiona's eyes widen.

 I try on the beautiful white dress and walk out to see Fiona's eyes widen

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"This has to be the one." She smiles big

"It's beautiful" I mention looking at myself in the mirror.

"Do you like it!?" Fiona asks with excitement.



"I love it!!" I smile big followed with a laugh.

"We'll take it" Fiona smiles looking over at the lady.

"Wait who's paying for it?" I question scrunching my eyebrows.

"Me of course think of it as your wedding gift." She smiles

"No you already helped buy the house you cannot afford my dress to."

"Y/N, you're family we do what we gotta do to make family happy."

"Thank you" I smile running into her arms.

"No, thank you for everything you saved a lot of us including Carl." She hugs back rubbing my back.


Yay you got your dress congrats sorry if you don't like it... oh well anyway if you don't already please follow my Shameless Instagram account it's

Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now