I'm sorry - Chapter 45

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    We waited for what felt like hours , until one of the nurses came in the waiting room where we were all packed up in.

"I have news on Debbie Gallagher may I speak to the legal guardian?." The nurse asks.

"Hi yes that's me I'm Debbie's guardian how-how is she ?" Fiona runs to the nurse.

"I think you should take your family and say your goodbyes." The nurse saying bringing us into the hospital room.

   Fiona just had tears rolling down her face walking to the room , we all did even Frank had a frown on his face. Everyone was here except Monica. I saw Debbie laying peacefully in the hospital bed. I went up to her and held her hand.

    "I'm so sorry Debbie , I will take care of Franny no matter what and I will guard her with my life I promise , I love you forever and always , we all do." I smile with tears rolling down my face.

    Everyone said their goodbyes to Debbie Gallagher she was remembered as a sweet , beautiful , and hard working young girl , who loved her family and child more then words can imagine.

~A week later~

    It's been a week since Debbie's passing its been the worse past month between me and Carl's child passing and his sister and my bestfriend passing. It sucked but we will get passed this and I will live the life Debbie would want me to live.

"Are you ready for the funeral Y/N ?" Carl asks knocking on the door.

"Yes I'm ready."

    I walk out the room to see Carls red puffy face as if he's been crying which I would assume he's been , he was holding out a letter for me to take. I look up to him and took the letter.

"Dear Y/N , if your reading this is probably means I didn't make it threw the injury I had , I'm sorry but , I know you will be an amazing mom to Franny and I know you will live the rest of your life with my brother and that's all I want. You make my family happy , you pulled us all together , thank you for everything and I love you , please keep my brother and Franny safe and move out of Chicago as soon as you and Carl marry please it's all I ask for. I love you and my family forever and always , tell Franny I loved her more then words can explain.
-Debbie Gallagher "


"We are all gathered here today to remember the life of Debbie Gallagher and the child that didn't get to have her first words. We all loved Debbie so much, her passion for this family was amazing and no one can replace that love , then also Carl and Y/N's baby life was taken for such a dumb reason and I'm so heartbroken we lost these two beautiful girls , we will forever remember them." Fiona says in tears.

     Everyone said their love and  thoughts on stage it was beautiful and surprising on how much love this family could give off. We lit up some balloons and let them off in the night sky. And that is how we will remember the loving sister , bestfriend and daughter Debbie Gallagher along with the unborn child of me and Carl Gallagher.


    I swear I plan these things just to make you all mad I'm sorry lol , but don't worry your happy ending will be soon to come. Also I have a Shameless Instagram account please follow its

    Heyo so I have two new books out one is based of the horror film Scream from 1996 , it's called "Scream Murder" and the other one is a Fan Fic of Dylan and Cole Sprouse it's called "The Twins" go check them out they're litty.
-Alexis :)

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