Goodbye Gallagher - Chapter 21

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                   The sun had rose , I could feel the heat on my skin as I was also getting goosebumps from the air. It was probably only 7am but, I had to wake Gallagher up in time for him to get ready to leave. I felt like crying but , I promised myself I wasn't gonna be all emotional so therefore I won't. I felt a presence behind me and It was Carl putting his hand on my waist.

Good morning beautiful.

Ugh good morning Gallagher.

I'm gonna go get ready and get my bags in leaving in a hour. 

Have fun with that babe.

   He took 45 minutes to get ready so we only had like 20 minutes to spend together so we just had a mini make out session and cuddled together..

What are you gonna do without me shawty? 

I'm gonna party , drink then do and sell drugs so I can get my mind off of how much I miss you.

Haha real funny

I'm kidding....kind of 

What the fuck your not getting back into that Y/N.

I'll try not too but , I'm just saying it might happen.

Well it won't because you will remember that I'm not gonna come back home to a drug addict. 

Yeah yeah I know , I'll try not to I promise Gallagher.

Please don't shawty you are my number 1 and I ain't tryna change that.

   I cannot control the future I can only control right now so shut up and kiss me while we walk downstairs too drop you off.

        Me and Carl made out for a good 5 minutes till it was time for him to go , so he hugged everyone and said his goodbyes then , he came to me last , picked me up off my feet and kissed me with a passion. Also while walking away he slaps my ass and says "Good bye baby , save that ass for me" *winks*.

 I will Gallagher I will wait for you.

          As I saw the bus drive away with Carl in it , I felt my heart shatter into pieces so I immediately ran upstairs and cried myself back to sleep while wearing one of his shirts.

*Door opens* Psst Y/N , Y/N , HOLY FUCK Y/N WAKE UP !!

What Debbie holy fuck what ?!

  I understand your upset about Carl leaving so I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me ?

I promised Carl I wouldn't 

You don't have to drink or do anything but , I want you to at least go , please for me? 

Fine fine I'll go , I'll be down in 5.

Okay yay thank you !! *closes door*.

      I threw on one of Carl's white shirts , then put on some of my high wasted black ripped jeans and some black and white converse for shoes. I just put my hair into a bun and , put a little bit of makeup on. After that me and Debbie got in the car and drove to the party...


   What's gonna happen at the party , and how will Carl's Pov be at military school ? Find out soon :). Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please , it's



Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now