Covering - Chapter 36

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        I took a nap and woke up with Carl laying by my side asleep. I looked at my phone and saw the time was 1am , so I just got up and went to take a walk outside. As I was outside I felt someone following me so I turned around to see the same guy that I saw earlier.

"It's not tomorrow yet" I say stepping back

I know that , do you even know who I am ?

What like G-Dog or something ?

     No I'm Lamar I work for G-Dog , if I come back tomorrow morning at 12pm sharp he better have a sell or else
G-Dog will come and kill all of you.

How about I take his place ?

It's not that simple ...

Well take me to G-Dog and let him decide.

"Fine let's go" he said snatching my arm

    We arrived to this strange shed looking place and I saw a bunch of random guys sitting around a fire till I saw one specific guy walking towards me.

Ahh you must be Y/N , Gallagher's girl.

   Yeah you can say that , let's get to the point I'm here to exchange places with Carl.

And I should trust you why ?

     Because I love Carl and I wouldn't do anything with knowing his life and my family's life is on the line.

     You got yourself a deal now leave and we will be at the house in the morning to pick you up , here's an extra phone so we can get ahold of you never miss a call or else..

"Fine fine" I say as I get in Lamar's car.

    We finally arrived at the house and I just immediately sank into the bed with Carl by my side.

** Next morning

Wake up sleeping beauty , your phones been blowing up all morning.

"Oh shit" I scream while rushing out the door.

    "Wait" Carl said barely walking out his door by the time he came out I was gone in the car with Lamar and sped off .

Your late

  Sorry not really used to drug dealing this early.

Whatever you only have a couple of deals then I'll drive you home.

  After a couple of deals that weren't so bad Lamar drove me home.

Thanks , when should I expect to see you again ?

    "I'll text you when I need you" he said as he slammed the car door and sped off.

    I walked inside to see Carl sitting on the couch with his arms crossed giving me a frown.

What ?

   What the hell are you doing this early and why was your phone blowing up ?

Oh my Aunt said something happened so I panicked.

Funny because she was the first place I went to look for you.


What the hell is going on ?

     Nothing you need to worry about Carl I promise , I won't let anything or anyone hurt you or me or this family I promise just remember that.

   "Whatever Y/N I'm going back to sleep" he said while slowly dragging himself up the stairs.

Carl I'm sorry.

    No your not just talk to me when your ready other then that I won't bother you.


    Just don't Y/N I love you and I thought that would be enough for you to open up to me and trust me.

Carl I love-

"Save it" he says slightly closing the door.


      Well great Carl's upset , will you open up to him and tell him or will you continue to work for G-Dog ? Find out soon , also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's

  Thank you so much for 9k I love and appreciate you all :)

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