Hell house - Chapter 24

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               It was the next morning my head was pounding , I had the worse headache a human being could ever have but , I suddenly woke up from someone stroking their hands through my hair and I slowly open my eyes to look and it's Mr.Gallagher. 

Good morning baby girl.

"Wha-wah are you doing home" I say as a hug him tightly.

    I heard what happened and I'm gonna find the ass hat that did this too you and strangle him , I love you Y/N and I'm so sorry I left you. 

Carl it's not your fault , it's mine for trusting Dominique...

Wait she had something to do with this ?

     Debbie dragged me to this party and , I saw Dom with her new "boy toy" , I told her to basically fuck off then she made me fall for her trick then , she drugged my juice. I don't remember anything after that except me asking Debbie to take me home but, she told me to wait.

Then how do you know you got raped ?

    Because I woke up naked and had a hickey on my boob Carl , if that doesn't scream rape then I don't know what else could.

    I'm so sorry , this isn't your fault Y/N just remember that , it's Debbie's for not taking you home and Dominique's for even trying to hurt you , they will all regret this I promise I will take care of you and never leave you.

    Bonnie is back Carl.

I don't care Y/N I'm putting you first we will deal with her later.

Just put me second , put yourself first this time , don't you wanna know where she has been and why she ditched you ?

Yes but , I also wanna know who raped my girlfriend. After I figure that out then we might have time to squeeze Bonnie in.

Fine *kisses cheek*.

** Weeks went by , no one at that party even remember me beingthere so I doubt they would even remember what happened that night. So we gave up we just stopped looking and gave up like I always do. I was kinda disappointed about that but , it was time to move on and look at better things in life , like me and Carl but , Bonnie was still here waiting to have time with him so we will have to see what she wants before we all move on.

    Hey Gallagher 

You seem happy love.

Because I am , I think you should finally talk to Bonnie and make all of this tension go away so we can all finally move on because , I am ready to move on.

It's gonna be hard for me to just walk up to her and be all nice.

I'm not asking you to but , I want you to think about it so we can all finally move on and be happy. Please Carl ?

Ill think about it aight? 

" Okay okay thank you baby" I say with a smile as I kiss his soft face.


    Well no luck with what happened with you and Dominique but , what will happen with Bonnie and Carl ? Find out soon :). Also I have a Shameless Instagram account it's 


please follow thanks. 

Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now