Gun mark - Chapter 35

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      I woke up on the floor the next morning and decided to brush my teeth and hair , after that I threw on a pair of high wasted jeans and a black cropped top. I went downstairs to see Debbie and Fiona sitting on the floor talking.

Uhh is everything okay ?

"No Y/N it's not." Debbie said rolling her eyes

"Hey don't be a bitch to her this is your fault Debbie." Fiona said

What's going on ?

Debbie's pregnant by that Derrick guy.

Oh Debbie I told you that guy was a tool come on.

Can everyone shut the fuck up , you are all sluts anyway why can't I be one.

"DEBBIE !!" Fiona shouted

Whatever it's fine I have to go bye.

      As I walked out the door I turned around to lock it as I turned around I felt someone come up behind me and put their hands over my mouth. They carried me halfway threw the lawn until they let me go.

Excuse me what the actual fuck man ?

Are you related to Carl Gallagher ?

No ?

Then why are you in their house ?

Because I live here , I'm Gallagher's girlfriend , why what's up ?

    He pulled out his gun and hit me in the head and ran off while screaming
"Tell Gallagher he better make a deal by tomorrow or worse will happen."

     I ran to the door and unlocked it right after I started to scream because I was so mad so that made Carl immediately run down the stairs half awake and half asleep.

What the hell Y/N ?
Wait what the fuck happened are you okay baby what's happened to your head ?

It's fine I just um fell and hit my head on a rock.

    "Oh let's go get V to stitch it up for you , you gotta be more careful babe." He said as he puts his arm around me slightly laughing.

Why where you screaming ?

  I was pissed , I had to go somewhere then I fell and hit my head.

  Oh haha well I'll wait out here you go in and see V.

* An hour later V is finally done with stitching up your head.

Did it hurt love ?

"No I'm a big girl." I said with a wink

"Hmm right" he said smirking
Do you wanna go anywhere today ?

  No I'm gonna go take a nap I'm not feeling to well.

    Okay baby , I'm gonna go take my shift down at patsy's today so call me if you need anything.

Okay I love you Gallagher.

I love you more Y/L/N.


      Kinda short chapter today sorry ,
I gotta save the juicy stuff for later. What does G-Dog want from Carl and why didn't you tell him , also what's Debbie's plan for the baby ? Find out soon. Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's

   Just wanted to say thank you for all your support through out this story I love you guys so much and I love your comments.
- Alexis

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